
来源 :证据学论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Ares_Stray
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2004年5月16日,由中国人民大学诉讼制度与司法改革研究中心、美国律师协会、全国律师协会刑事辩护业务委员会共同主办的中美“证据开示理论与实务专题”国际研讨会在北京市通州区月亮河度假村举行。原计划围绕着证据开示这一较为细化的题目进行的小型研讨,由于得到了理论界与实务界各方代表的关注而不得不数次扩大规模,研讨会吸引了来自全国人大法工委、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、司法部、全国律协、美国律师协会的代表以及北京大学法学院、社科院法学所、加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校、纽约大学、耶鲁大学中国法中心等法学研究机构的专家学者80余人。 On May 16, 2004, the International Symposium on Theory and Practice of Evidence Discovery sponsored by the Research Center for Litigation System and Judicial Reform of the Chinese People’s University, the American Bar Association and the Criminal Defense Business Council of the National Bar Association Beijing Tongzhou District Moon River Resort held. The original small-scale study originally planned around the more detailed topic of evidence discovery had to be scaled up several times due to the concern of all the representatives of both the theoretical and practical sectors. The seminar attracted people from the Law Working Committee of the NPC , The Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Justice, the National Bar Association, and the American Bar Association as well as law research institutes such as Peking University Law School, the Academy of Social Sciences, the University of California, Los Angeles, New York University and the Yale Law Center for China Law More than 80 experts and scholars.
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经济全球化已成为一种趋势 ,世界文化也呈现出多元文化交融的情形。中国文化作为世界多元文化的重要组成部分 ,在经济全球化的背景下面临着挑战和发展的机遇。我们应求同存异
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