交换技术演进新说——第一讲 交换技术综述

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交换技术是现代通信网中最普通与常见的技术之一,从上个世纪初一直到现在仍然在持续演进,老一辈的通信人依然会津津乐道于最初纵横制、步进制等交换机的庞大,现在的通信技术人员则面对着更多种类的新兴交换技术。可以说,交换技术的发展最大限度地反映了现代通信技术的发展。也正是因为交换技术的发展经历了很长的时间,参与的国际组织、标准化机构、研发厂商和实际通信运营企业非常多,各种实用的或是没有投入使用的交换技术有着巨大的差别,很难用一根统一的“主线”将它们串联在一起,往往给人一种“雾里看花”的感觉。但难找并不等于没有,我刊的老作者普天东方通信股份有限公司的李伟章在多年从事交换工作的基础上,独辟蹊径,运用OSI-RM参考模型的概念将模拟交换、数字交换、ISDN、分组交换、IP包交换直到软交换统一到一条完整的演进的路线上,方便了通信界的技术人员理解交换技术的发展。我刊从本期起将连续刊登,预计分12期。欢迎广大读者对这个连载提出意见和建议,来信请发往zhangjian@ttm.com张建编辑收,或yin鄄haibo@ttm.com.cn尹海波编辑收。热线电话:010-68372931。 Switching technology is one of the most common and common technologies in modern communication networks. From the beginning of the last century to the present, the exchange continues to evolve. The older generation of communication people will still be relishing the switch in the initial cross and step systems Of the huge, now the communication technician faces more kinds of emerging exchange technologies. It can be said that the development of exchange technology to the maximum extent reflects the development of modern communications technology. It is precisely because the development of exchange technology has gone through a long period of time. The number of participating international organizations, standardization agencies, R & D firms and actual communication operators is very large. There is a huge difference between various practical or unused exchange technologies, It is difficult to use a unified “main line” to connect them in series, often giving a feeling of “foggy flowers”. However, hard to find does not mean no. Based on many years of exchange work, Li Weizhang, the author of our magazine Putian Eastern Communications Co., Ltd., has taken the novel approach by applying the concept of OSI-RM reference model to simulate the exchange, digital exchange, ISDN, grouping Exchange, IP packet exchange until softswitch unified to a complete evolution of the line, to facilitate the communication industry technicians to understand the development of exchange technology. My issue will be published continuously from this issue. It is estimated to be in 12 installments. Readers are welcome to make comments and suggestions on this serial, please send a letter to zhangjian@ttm.com Zhang Jian editor, or yin Juan haibo@ttm.com.cn Yin Haibo editor received. Hotline: 010-68372931.
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