
来源 :中国现代医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Elmo761129
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1 临床资料和方法患儿 男 ,2岁 ,因误食鼠药 7d后而急诊入院。患者误食鼠药后出现恶心呕吐 ,四肢强直 ,抽搐 ,伴发烧 ,口唇发绀 ,神志不清 ,7d后送我院急诊治疗。体检 :发育正常 ,体温 3 9.8℃ ,脉搏 1 80次 /min,呼吸 3 8次 /min,血压 1 3 /8kPa,神志不清 ,被动? 1 Clinical data and methods Children with male, 2 years old, due to the rodent rat poison after 7d emergency admission. Patients after eating rodenticide nausea and vomiting, limbs rigidity, convulsions, with fever, cyanosis lips, confusion, sent to our hospital after 7d emergency treatment. Physical examination: normal development, body temperature 3 9.8 ℃, pulse 1 80 beats / min, breathing 3 8 beats / min, blood pressure 1 3 / 8kPa, unconscious, passive?
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