Down-scaled regional ocean modeling system (ROMS) for high-resolution coastal hydrodynamics in Korea

来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaomoji
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A down-scaled operational oceanographic system is developed for the coastal waters of Korea using a regional ocean modeling system(ROMS).The operational oceanographic modeling system consists of atmospheric and hydrodynamic models.The hydrodynamic model,ROMS,is coupled with wave,sediment transport,and water quality modules.The system forecasts the predicted results twice a day on a 72 h basis,including sea surface elevation,currents,temperature,salinity,storm surge height,and wave information for the coastal waters of Korea.The predicted results are exported to the web-GIS-based coastal information system for real-time dissemination to the public and validation with real-time monitoring data using visualization technologies.The ROMS is two-way coupled with a simulating waves nearshore model,SWAN,for the hydrodynamics and waves,nested with the meteorological model,WRF,for the atmospheric surface forcing,and externally nested with the eutrophication model,CE-QUAL-ICM,for the water quality.The operational model,ROMS,was calibrated with the tidal surface observed with a tide-gage and verified with current data observed by bottom-mounted ADCP or AWAC near the coastal waters of Korea.To validate the predicted results,we used real-time monitoring data derived from remote buoy system,HF-radar,and geostationary ocean color imager(GOCI).This down-scaled operational coastal forecasting system will be used as a part of the Korea operational oceanographic system(KOOS) with other operational oceanographic systems. A down-scaled operational oceanographic system is developed for the coastal waters of Korea using a regional ocean modeling system (ROMS). The operational oceanographic modeling system consists of atmospheric and hydrodynamic models. The hydrodynamic model, ROMS, is coupled with wave, sediment transport , and water quality modules. The system forecasts the results of the predicted dates twice a day on a 72 h basis, including sea surface elevation, currents, temperature, salinity, storm surge height, and wave information for the coastal waters. exported to the web-GIS-based coastal information system for real-time dissemination to the public and validation with real-time monitoring data using visualization technologies. The ROMS is two-way coupled with a simulating waves nearshore model, SWAN, for the hydrodynamics and waves, nested with the meteorological model, WRF, for the atmospheric surface forcing, and externally nested with the eutrophication model, CE-QUAL-ICM, for the water qualit y. The operational model, ROMS, was calibrated with the tidal surface observed with a tide-gage and verified with current data observed by bottom-mounted ADCP or AWAC near the coastal waters of Korea. To validate the predicted results, we used real- time monitoring data derived from remote buoy system, HF-radar, and geostationary ocean color imager (GOCI). This down-scaled operational coastal forecasting system will be used as a part of the Korea operational oceanographic system (KOOS) with other operational oceanographic systems .
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