Mild hypothermia effects on matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in the perihematomal region of rat

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xianglikai
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BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) expression increases with intracerebral hemorrhage, and participates in the pathophysiological processes of secondary brain injury after intracerebral hemorrhage. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of mild hypothermia on MMP-9 expression and brain edema in the perihematomal region of experimental intracerebral hemorrhage rats. DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: The randomized, controlled experiment was performed at the Central Laboratory of Shandong Provincial Hospital between May and September 2007. MATERIALS: Seventy-two, Wistar, male rats, 12-weeks old, were used for this study. Rabbit anti-MMP-9 primary antibody was purchased from Boster, China. METHODS: Wistar rats were equally and randomly divided into normothermia and mild hypothermia groups. The two groups each comprised control, 6-hour intracerebral hemorrhage, 24-hour intracerebral hemorrhage, 48-hour intracerebral hemorrhage, 72-hour intracerebral hemorrhage, and 1-week intracerebral hemorrhage subgroups, with six rats in each subgroup. Rat models of intracerebral hemorrhage were established by injecting 100 μL of autologous blood into the rat caudate nucleus. Rats in the mild hypothermia group received four hours of local mild hypothermia immediately following the injection. Intracerebral temperature was maintained at (33 ± 0.5) ℃. Subsequently, intracerebral temperature was spontaneously recovered at 25 ℃. Rats in the control subgroup were not injected with autologous blood and received only with intracerebral hemorrhage. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Brain water content and MMP-9 expression surrounding the hematoma region. RESULTS: MMP-9 expression increased at 6 hours, and brain edema reached a peak at 48 hours after intracerebral hemorrhage. MMP-9 expression was significantly decreased in the mild hypothermia group compared with the normothermia group at each time point (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Mild hypothermia can significantly inhibit MMP-9 overexpression and relieve brain edema following intracerebral hemorrhage. BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) expression increases with intracerebral hemorrhage, and participates in the pathophysiological processes of secondary brain injury after intracerebral hemorrhage. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of mild hypothermia on MMP-9 expression and brain edema in the DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: The randomized, controlled experiment was performed at the Central Laboratory of Shandong Provincial Hospital between May and September 2007. MATERIALS: Seventy-two, Wistar, male rats, 12-weeks old , used for this study. Rabbit anti-MMP-9 primary antibody was purchased from Boster, China. METHODS: Wistar rats were equally and distributed divided into normothermia and mild hypothermia groups. The two groups each composed control, 6-hour intracerebral hemorrhage , 24-hour intracerebral hemorrhage, 48-hour intracerebral hemorrhage, 72-hour intracerebral hemorrhage, and 1-week intracerebral cerebral hemorrhage The rats models of intracerebral hemorrhage were established by injecting 100 μL of autologous blood into the rat caudate nucleus. Rats in the mild hypothermia group received four hours of local mild hypothermia immediately following the injection. Intracerebral temperature Was in at (33 ± 0.5) ° C. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Brain water content and MMP-9 expression surrounding the hematoma region. RESULTS: MMP-9 expression was increased at 6 hours, and brain edema reached a peak at 48 hours after intracerebral hemorrhage. MMP-9 expression was significantly less in the mild hypothermia group compared with the normothermia group at each time point (P <0.05) CONCLUSION: Mild hypothermia can significantly inhibit MMP-9 overexpression and relieve brain edema following intracerebral hemorrhage
【内容摘要】本文从评价一堂课入手,重点分析了让语文课活力四射的几种方法。  【关键词】语文教学 教学智慧 活力 主体性 教学方法 切入点  近日,笔者去参加了由泉州市教育局举办的语文教育教学研讨会,会上听了一节研讨课。该课很有特色,由初二的学生来上初三的课文《孔乙己》,授课老师在毫无新意地介绍了作者和讲解了字词后就语出惊人了。进入整体感知课文内容环节,由学生快速读课文,思考孔乙己是一个怎么样的人。
1.女明星,曾主演《大笑江湖》、《父子》等影片。  2.张惠妹的一张专辑,收录了《开门见山》、《灵魂的重量》等歌曲。  3.《红楼梦》中领宝玉游太虚幻境的神仙。  4.歇后语“丢了西瓜捡芝麻”的后半句。  5.把自己的祸事推给别人。  6.灵长目猩猩科和长臂猿科动物的总称。  7.心理学上指人的情绪品质和对社会的适应能力,英文缩写为EQ。  8.意大利最高等级的职业足球联赛,是欧洲五大足球联赛之一
【内容摘要】随着课程改革的深入和发展,初中阶段的语文课程教学面临着极大的挑战。为了深入贯彻落实课程改革的相关要求,在初中语文课程中融入对学生休闲文化意识以及情趣的培养显得尤为迫切。本文围绕语文教学中休闲文化意识的基本概念进行了相关论述,就其有效措施进行了探讨,以供广大初中阶段的语文教育者进行参考和借鉴。  【关键词】初中语文 休闲文化意识 情趣 培养  初中阶段是教学的重要阶段,它不仅是学生基本知
Objectives - Patients frequently ask questions about the lifetime prognosis of Crohn’ s disease. The aim of this study was to describe the outcomes of Cro hn’