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12180Z柴油机用喷油泵的出油阀弹簧(图1)在工作中经常折断,轻者致使柴油机相应气缸工作不正常,严重时使出油阀蹩断,断裂的弹簧碎块进入柱塞腔内导致偶件卡死。因此,出油阀弹簧工作可靠与否,对柴油机乃至机车的工作可靠性都有一定的影响。为了在现有结构条件下不影响零件的互换性,曾对原设计结构的弹簧采用不同的材料及不同的热处理工艺在疲劳试验机上进行对比试验,并把部分弹簧进行了装车试验。试验用的出油阀弹簧由半自动卷簧机卷制,两端头不用火焰加热并头,严格按图纸要 12180Z diesel engine fuel pump out valve spring (Figure 1) often break in the work, the light led to the corresponding cylinder of the diesel engine is not working properly, so that the oil valve rupture, broken spring fragments into the plunger chamber lead to Couple stuck. Therefore, the output valve spring reliable or not, the reliability of diesel engines and locomotives have a certain impact. In order to not affect the interchangeability of parts under the existing structural conditions, the spring of the original design structure was tested on a fatigue testing machine using different materials and different heat treatment processes, and some of the springs were tested for loading. The test valve spring by the semi-automatic coil spring roll, both ends without flame heating and head, in strict accordance with the drawings to
目前我国现有铁路水泥罐车U_(60)型粉状货物气卸车(以下简称水泥罐车),分上卸式和下卸式两种。 一、上卸式车人孔盖 上卸式车人孔盖采用G_(12)型粘油罐车的人孔盖结构,并在
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现行义务教育数学教材在初一下学期开始学习平面几何。初一学生年龄小 ,观察思维能力差 ,在此以前学生主要与“数”打交道 ,而平面几何却是以“平面图形”为研究对象 ,这种由
要全面完成思想政治课的教学目的和任务,就要不拘泥于某一种教学模式,而善于把读、讲、写、议、练等多种教学方法有机地结合起来,多样化地上好思想政治课。   读 即要求教师要
这是春天的阳光。春天的阳光总是柔情万千的,它从树梢头泼下来,原本在冬日的寒凛里掉光了叶子的树,忽悠悠就绿了开来。这绿,蘸满了阳光的温暖和清 This is the spring sunsh
硫酸是化工部门重要的产品之一,它被广泛应用于国民经济的各个部门。目前,年产量已达800多万吨,预计到20世纪末,产量将增长1.2~1.4倍。 硫酸运输中,约有1/4是通过铁路运输的
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