
来源 :China Legal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:janyang256
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私有财产权是公民的一项重要的基本权利,但这一概念直到20世纪初期才传入中国。此后,私有财产权在中国的宪法理论与实践中发挥了重要作用。中华人民共和国成立后先后颁布的《共同纲领》和四部宪法都对所有权或私有财产权的保护作了规定,然而由于种种原因,有关私有财产权的宪法条款经历了一些变动,直到2004年现行宪法最新一次修改,私有财产权才得到充分的保护。1982年宪法通过时并未明确给予私有财产权与公共财产同等保护,但随着社会主义市场经济的发展,修改宪法、加强私有财产权保护的呼声日益高涨。现行宪法迄今共进行了四次修改,每次修改均涉及私有财产权保护问题,这使得宪法对私有财产权的保护更加完整和充分。 Private property rights are an important fundamental right of citizens, but the concept was not introduced into China until the early 20th century. Since then, private property rights have played an important role in China’s constitutional theory and practice. However, due to various reasons, the constitutional provisions on private property rights have undergone a number of changes until the latest constitutional amendment in 2004, which stipulated that “the common program” promulgated after the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the four constitutions all stipulated the protection of ownership or private property rights. Modify, private property rights are fully protected. However, with the development of the socialist market economy, the voice of revising the constitution and strengthening the protection of private property rights has been rising day by day since the 1982 Constitution did not explicitly give private property rights the same protection as public property. The current Constitution has so far carried out four changes, each of which involves the issue of the protection of private property rights, which makes the constitutional protection of private property more complete and adequate.
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