When Other People Won’t ChangeCathy

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  “I’ve discovered that you can’t change people. They can change themselves.”—Jim Rohn
  We all want to be loved and accepted, just as we are. We want people to honor our interests, value our needs, and respect our choices in life. So why, then, do we expect other people to sacrifice theirs for us? Why do we hope people will change their goals, habits, and values to better match with ours when they haven’t given us any indication they’d be happier for doing it?
  Sometimes we think we know what’s best for others, but if we’re honest with ourselves, we’ll likely realize we want people to change when we simply don’t feel satisfied being in a relationship with them as they are. I’m not talking about people who are dangerous to themselves and others. I’m talking about the partner who isn’t as open-minded as you. Or the friend who doesn’t value fitness like you. Or the husband who isn’t as social as you. Or the wife who doesn’t take risks like you.
  Relationships are all about compromise, and there’s no such thing as a perfect match. But we owe it to ourselves to recognize what’s non-negotiable in relationships so we don’t end up unwillingly sacrificing our needs while secretly hoping the people we’re with will make it worth our while. For the people we want to change, there are others out there who’d accept and even value them, just as they are. We can appreciate them for all their unique interests and preferences. Or we can set them free and create the possibility of finding better matches. We deserve to be happy in our relationships. That starts with choosing to be with people we’d never want to change.
  sacrifice v. 牺牲
  indication n. 迹象
  compromise n. 妥协,让步
  non-negotiable adj. 无商量余地的
  (Have you learned how to deal with the above problems in a relationship?)
读者朋友,你知道神奇的隐形墨水是怎么做出来的吗?你想自己制作隐形墨水吗?下面就让我们一起来试试看吧!  葡萄、小苏打、玻璃瓶、白纸、吸管(或棉签)、水等。  1. 首先将等量的水与小苏打混合,做成隐形墨水。  2. 用吸管吸取或用棉签蘸取自制的隐形墨水,在白纸上画一个笑脸。  3. 让隐形墨水逐渐干燥,随后是不是看不到画在纸上的笑脸了呢?  4. 接著,将葡萄榨汁,涂在白纸上画笑脸的位置,现在是不
在非洲大草原上,经常上演着狮子与非洲野牛的战斗。野牛体重约一吨,头上有锋利的尖角,发起怒来凶猛异常。面对这样的对手,体重仅为野牛一半的狮子,要想获胜,也得费一番功夫,有时,还得靠狮群共同攻击才能成功。  也有狮子运气不好,被野牛挑破肚皮惨死,或被野牛群追赶得落荒而逃,威风扫地。有人就很不理解,按理说,狮子可以捕猎难度系数小,成功率高的动物,诸如斑马、羚羊,为什么要冒险去挑战实力强、捕猎成功率低的野
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我出生于20世纪70年代中期,当时物质匮乏,生活勉强能维持温饱。安逸舒适虽无从奢求,但清苦的日子里,我的脑袋并没有闲着,经常冒出些稀奇古怪的念头,渴望着某一天能拥有一些新奇玩意儿。  记忆中,小时候的冬天远比现在寒冷。我们踏着厚厚的积雪来到学校,手里往往会拎一个取暖用的小“烘笼”,里面燃烧着锯木屑或碎木炭。带的人多了,教室里便弥漫着烟气。若碰巧哪位同学的木炭不够干燥,燃烧不充分,就必然引起同学们剧
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