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近年来,在市委、市政府的大力扶持下,我市私营经济已驶上健康发展的快车道,一大批规模型私营企业已崭露头角。2001年,全市私营个体经济缴税6.2亿元,占全市税收总额的23%。其中有百家私企纳税户颇为引人关注,这些企业合计交税约1.7亿元,占全市私营个体经济税收总额的27%。其中名列前茅的企业纳税高达700多万元,居末位的企业纳税将近70多万元。最近,市工商联对这百家私企纳税大户作了走访调查。通过听取这些企业的情况介绍和实地考察,对其发展情况有了更进一步的了解。这百家私营企业大都有10年以上发展史,在完成了最初的资本积累后已进入资本扩张的二次创业阶段。近年来,市委、市政府鼓励支持私营经济发展的力度不断加大,极大地调动了企业投资者和经营者放手发展的积极性。调查中发现,多数企业家在对当前发展环境感到满意的同时,其忧患意识与日俱增。私营经济发展的外部环境宽松了,而企业能否抓住这千载难逢的机会有所作为成为他们的忧虑所在。正如市佳美金属制品有限公司董事长戴明华所言:目前政 In recent years, with the strong support from the municipal government and municipal government, the private economy of our city has been on the fast lane of healthy development. A large number of large-scale private-owned enterprises have emerged. In 2001, the city’s private individual economy paid 622 million yuan, accounting for 23% of the city’s total tax revenue. Among them, there are 100 private-owned taxpayers who have drawn considerable attention. The total amount of tax paid by these enterprises is about 170 million yuan, accounting for 27% of the total private-owned economy in the country. One of the top companies tax up to more than 700 million, the bottom of the corporate tax nearly 70 million. Recently, the City Federation of Industry and Commerce made a survey on the top 100 taxpayers in private-owned enterprises. By listening to the briefing and site visits of these enterprises, we have got a better understanding of their development. Most of these 100 private-owned enterprises have a history of over 10 years of development and have entered the stage of second stage of capital expansion after completing their initial capital accumulation. In recent years, municipal party committee and municipal government to encourage and support the development of the private economy continue to increase, greatly aroused the enthusiasm of business investors and operators to let go. The survey found that while most entrepreneurs are satisfied with the current development environment, their awareness of crisis is on the rise. The external environment for the development of the private economy has been relaxed, and it is their concern that companies can seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do something. As the United States and Metal Products Co., Ltd. President Dai Minghua said: the current government
一、引言 加里福尼亚标准石油公司的一家主要炼油厂在建立了设备监测与诊断体制后,取得了显著的经济效果。其经济效益来自 以下几个方面: I. INTRODUCTION A major refiner
67例中,因ABO不合者63例占94%;Rh不合者4例占6%.ABO HDN中IgG抗A引起的40例,IgG抗B引起的23例;Rh HDN中抗D3例,抗C1例.ABOHDN黄疸出现时间18h~6d,皮肤轻度黄染.Rh HDN患儿24h
Objective To evaluate the effects of different sera on the growth of human granulosa cells (GCs) cultured in vitro. Methods GCs were obtained from women who und
西部大开发中 ,为完善西部要素市场体系 ,提高科技成果转化率 ,加快产业结构高度化 ,培育新的经济增长点 ,促进国有企业改革、改组和改造以及传统产业改造升级 ,启动民间投资