198 1年 1 2月在邓小平同志的倡导下 ,全国五届人大四次会议通过了《关于开展全民义务植树运动的决议》 ,一场公益性、法定性的群众绿化运动由此兴起。 2 0年来 ,广州地区在全民义务植树运动中焕发了生机和活力。2 0年来 ,各级领导带头履行植树义务 ,是一项固定工作日程。 2 0
At the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fifth National People’s Congress, adopted by the Comrade Deng Xiaoping on January 1, 1921, the “Resolution on Carrying out the People’s Voluntary Tree Planting Campaign” was passed, and a public welfare and legal greening campaign was born. In the past 20 years, the Guangzhou area has been full of vitality and vitality in the voluntary tree-planting campaign. Over the past 20 years, leaders at all levels have taken the lead in fulfilling tree planting obligations and are a fixed work schedule. 2 0