
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rainbow03262009
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PURPOSE: To survey comprehensive ophthalmology patients about their use of vit amins and herbal supplements. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. METHODS: A survey instrument was developed and distributed to 397 patients presenting to a main c ampus university-based comprehensive ophthalmology clinic and to an off-site c omprehensive ophthalmology clinic. Information gathered included demographics, u se of prescription medications, use of vitamin and herbal supplements, the reaso ns for using these supplements, perceived benefits of these products, where the information regarding them was gathered, and with whom patients had discussed th eir use. RESULTS:Fiftyeight percent of patients reported nearly daily use of vit amins. Multivitamins were the most common vitamin and were used by 46%of the pa tients. Eight percent of patients used herbal products on a daily basis. Twenty -six percent learned about vitamins from their primary care physician (PCP), an d just 2%from their ophthalmologists, while 35%discussed their actual use with a PCP, and 5%with their ophthalmologists. Just 2%of these patients learned of herbs from a PCP, and <1%from an ophthalmologist. Older patients used multivit amins and other vitamins most frequently, while gender and education were not pr edictive of vitamin or herbal use. Mean monthly spending on vitamins by users wa s $15.74, while herbal users spent a monthly mean of $15.35. CONCLUSIONS: Vita mins and herbs are used by a significant number of patients in a comprehensive o phthalmology setting. Given the prevalence of vitamin and herbal use, ophthalmol ogists should systematically inquire about their use. METHODS: A survey instrument was developed and distributed to 397 patients presenting to a main c ampus university-based comprehensive ophthalmology clinic and to an off-site c omprehensive ophthalmology clinic. Information gathered included demographics, u se of prescription medications, use of vitamin and herbal supplements, the reaso ns for using these supplements, perceived benefits of these products, where the information regarding them was gathered, and RESULTS: Fiftyeight percent of patients reported nearly daily use of vit amins. Multivitamins were the most common vitamin and were used by 46% of the pa tients. Eight percent of patients used herbal products on a daily basis. Twenty -six percent learned about vitamins from their primary care physician (PCP), an d just 2% from their ophthalmologists, Just 2% of these patients learned of herbs from a PCP, and <1% from an ophthalmologist. Older patients used multivit amins and other vitamins most frequently, Mean monthly spending on vitamins by users wa s $ 15.74, while herbal users spent a monthly mean of $ 15.35. CONCLUSIONS: Vita mins and herbs are used by a significant number of Patients in a comprehensive o phthalmology setting. Given the prevalence of vitamin and herbal use, ophthalmol ogists should systematically inquire about their use.
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