
来源 :海洋地质译丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyc1211
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我们在自己的研究工作及综合了大量文献资料的基础上,对太平洋水域及其周围陆地晚更新世最后一次冰期的古地理环境进行了恢复。这个冰期在将近18000年前达到了自己的顶峰,并使太平洋海盆的特性发生了根本的改变。海洋上冰川和陆地上冰川的范围和分布面积、海平面、大气温度和海水温度以及植物地理分带都与现代有很大的差别。所研究的时代的特点是在北半球中纬度地区存在着巨大的冰川。在太平洋周围的陆地 Based on our own research and extensive literature, we restored the paleogeographic environment of the Late Pleistocene in the Pacific Ocean and its surrounding land during the last glacial period. This ice age reached its peak nearly 18,000 years ago and radically changed the character of the Pacific Basin. The range and distribution of glaciers on the ocean and glaciers on land, sea level, atmospheric temperature and seawater temperature, and the geographical division of plants are all very different from the modern ones. The period studied is characterized by the presence of a huge glacier in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The land around the Pacific Ocean
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