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近日,省委高校工委、省教育厅等6个单位(部门)在昆明召开省级及以上挂联泸水市单位(部门)第2次联席会议,听取泸水市脱贫攻坚进展情况汇报,总结挂联工作的经验和做法,并针对当前泸水市脱贫攻坚工作的热点难点问题进行深入分析研究。会议强调,要深化认识,强化合作,用好政策,推进信息互通、资源共享,把脱贫攻坚工作做得更准更实。会议由省委高校工委副书记陶晴主持。 Recently, the 6th unit (department) of Provincial Work Committee of Higher Education and Provincial Department of Education held the 2nd joint meeting of unit (department) of Lushui City at the provincial level and above in Kunming to listen to the report on progress made in Lusui City, Summarize the experience and practice of linking work, and carry out an in-depth analysis and study on the hot and difficult issues of current Lushui city’s work of getting rid of poverty. The meeting stressed the need to deepen understanding, strengthen cooperation, make good use of policies, promote information exchange, resource sharing, to do more to be more accurate and solidarity. The meeting was presided over by Tao Qing, deputy secretary of the provincial college work committee.
曾经具备海量气度的汉服冠冕,在铁腕政策和现代文明的前后夹击下, 朱颜渐改,玉碎当代“如果用‘汉服’这个词,我宁肯将之称作为‘华服’,‘中华’的‘华’。”北京服装学院教
Behind the G20 Summit,major powers regroup The annual summit of the Group of20(G20)has always been the center of the world’s attention ever since it was first