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表面上,桑塔纳谈判的历史似乎已经被讲得很多了,但是其中的细节和真相却仍然没有真实显露。本期口述历史,我们采访上海汽车工业的三位老人—蒋涛、仇克和翁建新,让他们来还原这段历史真相。蒋涛被称为“桑塔纳之父”。1938年他在华北参加工作,历任区长、县长。1949年南下,当年4月23日过江,他接收皖南新区后,任财经委员会秘书长。1950年12月,皖南皖北合并成立安徽省,他调入上海,任上海市委工业部处长,之后在华东工业部当办公室主任,当时部长是汪道涵。1954年他转到机电工业局,历任副局长、局长,一直干了二十多年。1979年调到上海市计委,后调入上海市第八届人大常委会。上海大众立项时他全面主持了该项目对外谈判工作。1984年10月任汽车拖拉机联营公司董事长,1990年离休。现任上海汽车工业(集团)总公司咨询委员会主任。上海汽车工业的老同志仇克是河北保定人,大学毕业后一直在拖拉机联营公司工作,担任过上海大众项目经理,上海大众成立后任第一任董事长。我们采访的第三位汽车老人是翁建新。1946年他从上海大同大学(现已并给上海交通大学)毕业,曾在科工制造厂搞生产技术,后来生产汽车零部件。1956年该厂合营后,在上海汽车配件厂任技术科长。1973年,翁建新出任上海汽车厂副厂长兼总工程师。1997年任机电一局技术处处长。1998年任副总工程师,参加上海大众项目。项目谈成后,任上海汽车拖拉机联营公司副总工程师,1989年退休。 On the surface, the history of Santana negotiations seems to have been much talked about, but the details and truth are still not revealed. In this issue of oral history, we interviewed three elderly people in the automobile industry in Shanghai - Jiang Tao, Qiu Ke and Weng Jianxin, to let them restore this historical truth. Jiang Tao is known as the father of Santana. In 1938 he participated in the work in North China, served as mayor, magistrate. He went south in 1949 and crossed the river on April 23 of that year. After receiving the Wannan New Zone, he served as Secretary-General of the Finance Committee. In December 1950, Anhui Province in southern Anhui and Anhui Province merged to form Anhui Province. He was transferred to Shanghai, where he served as the director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Industry and later the director of the office of East China’s Ministry of Industry. At that time, the minister was Wang Daohan. In 1954 he transferred to the Electrical and Mechanical Industry Bureau, served as deputy director, director, has been doing for more than 20 years. In 1979 transferred to the Shanghai Planning Commission, transferred to the Eighth Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress. Shanghai Volkswagen project when he fully presided over the project foreign negotiations. In 1984 October the car tractor associate company chairman, 1990 retired. Incumbent Shanghai Automotive Industry (Group) Corporation Advisory Committee. Shanghai Automotive Industry old comrade Qiu Ke is Hebei Baoding, after graduating from college has been working in a tractor affiliate, served as Shanghai Volkswagen project manager, Shanghai Volkswagen was established as the first chairman. The third car we interviewed was Weng Jianxin. He graduated from Shanghai Datong University (now to Shanghai Jiao Tong University) in 1946 and worked on production technology at a science and engineering factory before producing automobile parts. After the plant joint venture in 1956, Shanghai Automotive Parts Factory as chief of technology. In 1973, Weng built new vice president and chief engineer of Shanghai Automotive Plant. 1997 Bureau of Mechanical and Electrical Technology Director. Deputy chief engineer in 1998, to participate in the Shanghai Volkswagen project. After the project was completed, he served as deputy chief engineer of Shanghai Automotive Tractor Associated Company and retired in 1989.
位于美国密尔沃基市的福尔克公司(Falk Corp),最近为某轧钢厂制造了一个直径为4.88米,重量近30吨的巨型齿轮。当转数为65转/分时,这个巨型齿轮能承受9000千瓦的额定功率负荷
微型工程 人类进入信息时代之后,传统的精密机械设备已远远不能适应高性能、高可靠、低价格、数字化、智能化等的技术要求,因而近年来精密机械已由传统的纯机械或很偏重于机
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