Effect of supply voltage and body-biasing on single-event transient pulse quenching in bulk fin fiel

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:undeadto
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Charge sharing is becoming an important topic as the feature size scales down in fin field-effect-transistor(Fin FET)technology. However, the studies of charge sharing induced single-event transient(SET) pulse quenching with bulk Fin FET are reported seldomly. Using three-dimensional technology computer aided design(3DTCAD) mixed-mode simulations,the effects of supply voltage and body-biasing on SET pulse quenching are investigated for the first time in bulk Fin FET process. Research results indicate that due to an enhanced charge sharing effect, the propagating SET pulse width decreases with reducing supply voltage. Moreover, compared with reverse body-biasing(RBB), the circuit with forward body-biasing(FBB) is vulnerable to charge sharing and can effectively mitigate the propagating SET pulse width up to 53% at least.This can provide guidance for radiation-hardened bulk Fin FET technology especially in low power and high performance applications. However, the studies of charge sharing induced single-transient transient (SET) pulse quenching with bulk FinFETs are reported seldomly Using three-dimensional technology computer aided design (3DTCAD) mixed-mode simulations, the effects of supply voltage and body-biasing on SET pulse quenching are investigated for the first time in bulk Fin FET process. Research results indicating that due to an enhanced charge sharing effect, the propagating SET pulse width decreases with reducing supply voltage. Moreover, compared with reverse body-biasing (RBB), the circuit with forward body-biasing (FBB) is vulnerable to charge sharing and can effectively mitigate the propagating SET pulse width up to 53% at least. This can provide guidance for radiation-hardened bulk Fin FET technology especially in low power and high performance applications.
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