
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiyueliuhua
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目的:了解武汉地区孕产妇HIV感染状况和相关流行病学特征,探讨育龄期妇女和孕产妇感染HIV的重点人群和环节,指导今后母婴传播阻断工作。方法:用ELISA法检测武汉市产前医学检查孕妇或分娩产妇血浆的HIV抗体,将筛查阳性标本送艾滋病确认实验室诊断。结果:3年来,孕产妇HIV感染率为0.79/万,孕产妇主要通过性途径感染HIV,感染HIV的孕产妇文化程度和经济收入普遍较低,多为35岁以下的无职业流动妇女,早、中孕期筛出的孕妇更能积极配合母婴传播阻断工作。结论:武汉地区孕产妇HIV感染率处于低水平、小幅增长,今后,应加强HIV和母婴阻断相关知识宣教,将预防育龄妇女和孕妇HIV性传播放在首位,加强35岁以下低文化、低收入、无职业流动育龄妇女和孕产妇的管理,做到早发现、早诊断、早干预,最大限度减少胎儿HIV感染机会,提高出生人口素质。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the status of HIV infection among pregnant women in Wuhan and the related epidemiological characteristics, and to explore the key groups and links of women of childbearing age and pregnant women infected with HIV so as to guide the future work on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission. Methods: ELISA was used to detect the HIV antibody of pregnant women or maternal plasma from prenatal medical examination in Wuhan. The positive samples were sent to AIDS confirmation laboratory for diagnosis. Results: In the past three years, the prevalence of HIV among pregnant women was 0.79 per ten thousand. Pregnant women were mainly infected with HIV through sex. The educational level and economic income of HIV-infected pregnant women were generally low, mostly migrant women below 35 years of age. , Pregnant women screened during pregnancy are more able to actively cooperate with mother-to-child transmission to block work. Conclusion: The prevalence of HIV infection among pregnant women in Wuhan is at a low level with a slight increase. In the future, HIV / AIDS and maternal and childbirth prevention should be strengthened to prevent HIV transmission among women of childbearing age and pregnant women, Low-income, non-working-age women of childbearing age and maternal management, so early detection, early diagnosis and early intervention to minimize the chances of fetal HIV infection and improve the quality of the birth population.
股骨头坏死(osteonecrosis of the femoral head,ONFH)是因股骨头供血不足[1-2]导致的严重致残性疾病,好发于30~50岁男性[3],65% ~80%的患者会进展到股骨头塌陷[4、7].Fukushima
[目的]应用安慰剂对照,观察关节内注射透明质酸钠的有效性、安全性和远期效果.[方法] 56名膝关节骨性关节炎患者随机分为安慰剂组和透明质酸组,每组28名,分别接受关节内注射