Angiogenesis and nerve regeneration induced by local administration of plasmid pBud-coVEGF165-coFGF2

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhait2009
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Vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)and fibroblast growth factor 2(FGF2)are well-known growth factors involved in the regeneration of various tissues and organs,including peripheral nerve system.In the present study,we elucidated the local and systemic effects of plasmid construct pBud-coVEGF165-coFGF2 injected into the epineurium of intact rat sciatic nerve.Results of histological examination of sciatic nerve and multiplex immunoassays of serum showed the absence of immunogenicity and biosafety of plasmid pBud-coVEGF165-coFGF2.Moreover,local administration of plasmid DNA construct resulted in significantly decreased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the peripheral blood,including tumor necrosis factor α(TNFα)and interleukin-12,and significantly increased levels of cytokines and chemokines including Regulated upon Activation,Normal T Cell Expressed and Presumably Secrete(RANTES),epidermal growth factor,interleukin-2,and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1.These changes in the peripheral blood on day 7 after injection of plasmid construct pBud-coVEGF165-coFGF2 show that the plasmid construct has systemic effects and may modulate immune response.At the same time,reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction revealed transient expression of coFGF2,coVEGF165,ratFGF2 and ratVEGFA with direct transport of transcripts from distal part to proximal part of the sciatic nerve.Immunohistochemical staining revealed prolonged presence of VEGFA in sciatic nerve till 14 days post-injection.These findings suggest that local administration of plasmid construct pBud-coVEGF165-coFGF2 at a concentration of 30 ng/μL results in the formation of pro-angiogenic stimuli and,and the plasmid construct,used as a drug for gene therapy,might potentially facilitate regeneration of the sciatic nerve.The study was approved by the Animal Ethics Committee of Kazan Federal University,procedures were approved by the Local Ethics Committee(approval No.5)on May 27,2014.
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