
来源 :印制电路信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvlianpeng2009
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公司成立于2003年,地处宝安石岩水田建滔工业园,厂房面积40000余平方米;公司为国家级高新技术企业,技术力量雄厚,现有员工1000余人,专业技术人才800人,200余名高级工程师;通过在业界引进大量顶级人才,致力于打造一个设备种类最齐全的专业PCB设备制造商:六大产品系列:湿流程设备系列:DMSE线、DES线、SES线、SCI线、OSP线、黑孔线、除胶渣沉铜线、喷锡前(后)处理机、沉银机、棕化机、各类前处理机、各类洗板机、铜粉过滤器、铜回收设备、各类开药缸和添加缸等干流程设备系列:各种炉类设备、各类开料机、各类成型设备 The company was established in 2003, is located in Bao’an Shitan rock paddy Industrial Park, Tao, plant area of ​​40,000 square meters; company for the state-level high-tech enterprises, strong technical force, the existing staff of more than 1,000 people, 800 professional and technical personnel, more than 200 Named senior engineer; By introducing a large number of top talents in the industry, we are committed to creating a professional PCB equipment manufacturer with the most complete kinds of equipment: Six product lines: Wet process equipment series: DMSE line, DES line, SES line, SCI line, OSP Line, black hole line, in addition to the desmear copper wire, spray tin before (after) processor, Shen silver machine, brown machine, all kinds of pre-processor, all kinds of washer, copper filter, copper recovery equipment , All kinds of open cylinder and add cylinder and other dry process equipment series: all kinds of furnace equipment, all kinds of feeder, all kinds of molding equipment
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