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紧赶慢赶,欣然好不容易迈上了那趟熟悉的南下列车。这是第几次陪车度假,她已记不清了。至于当年的一个冲动怎么变成了如今的习惯,她也想不清楚。是那个眼神吗?看了多少遍都抹不开的眼神……几年前,也是在这趟南下的列车上,欣然邂逅了他——不怎么高大,满脸稚气的青春痘,外加一个茄子脸。用当下的择偶标准,完全不是人们理想中的“高大上”男生。当时他穿着略显肥大的警服逡巡在各节车厢里,恰巧欣然手中的《平凡的世界》掉在了过道上,他捡起来还给欣然,那双澄澈的眼神似乎还不忘交代:“美女,下次看书的时候别睡着了。注意自己的行李。” Rushed to catch up, gladly finally embarked on the familiar south train. This is the first time to accompany a car holiday, she can not remember. As for how an impulse of that year turned into a habit now, she also could not figure it out. Is that the look? Read how many times can not be winking ... ... A few years ago, but also in this trip south of the train, he was pleased to meet - not very tall, childish face pimples, plus an eggplant face. With the current mate standard, it is not the ideal “high school” boys. At that time, he was wearing a slightly hypertrophy police uniform 逡 tour in the carriage, happened to be pleased with the hands of the “ordinary world” fell in the aisle, he picked it up and gladly, that pair of clear eyes seems to have not forgotten account: “Beauty, do not fall asleep next time you read. Pay attention to your luggage.”
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AT the 34th World Heritage Committee annual meeting held in Brasilia, two more places in China were added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List-the Historic Monument
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