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红河哈尼族彝族自治州位于滇南,州府在个旧市,是我国著名的锡都,现辖13个县(市),其东邻文山州,北连玉溪、曲靖地区,西接思茅地区,南面的金平、河口、绿春与越南接壤,国境线达800多公里。哀牢山北起大理州,南抵中越边境,斜贯境内象一道屏风,成为气候上的一条分界线,使东西两侧的地形、地貌、水热条件截然不同,其西部为纵谷地带,山体庞大,气势磅礴,东部虽然地势已明显缓降,但仍为云贵高原的主体部分。南盘江绕流于东北境,元江流经该州进入越南后称为红河。红河两岸为热带红土地带,因水中携带大量红土呈红色而得名。屏边和河口两县交界的大围山已属高原边缘,从海拔2439米跌落到山麓的100米,分布着寒、温、热带植物。根据云南的纬度地势条件推算,垂直方向每上下1000米,气温变化相当于水平方向的1400~2500公里,即相当于厦门与青岛的温差。地势高差悬殊所形成的多种多样气候环境,为南北植物的迁移和繁衍创造了良好的条件,同时使各个地质年代的古老植物得到一定的保存,并在适应新的生态环境中不断分化出新的植物品种。 Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture is located in southern Yunnan, the state capital in Gejiu City, is China’s famous Xidu, administer 13 counties (cities), its east Wenshan Prefecture, north of Yuxi, Qujing region, west of Simao region, south Jinping, estuary, green spring and Vietnam border, the border line of more than 800 kilometers. Ailao North Dali from the north, arrived in the border between China and Vietnam, rampant territory like a screen, a climate of the dividing line, so that the east and west sides of the topography, hydrothermal conditions are very different, the western Rift Valley, mountain Large, magnificent, the eastern although the terrain has been significantly slowed down, but still the main part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. South Pan River flow around in the northeast border, the Yuan River flows through the state into Vietnam, known as the Red River. The Red River is a tropical red soil on both sides of the Red River, named after a large amount of red clay in the water. On the edge of the plateau, the boundary of Daweishan at the border between the two counties of Pingtung and Hekou is 100 meters down from the altitude of 2439 meters to the foothills, distributing cold, warm and tropical plants. According to the latitude of Yunnan, the terrain conditions calculate that the vertical direction is 1000 meters above and below each other, and the temperature change is equivalent to 1400 to 2500 kilometers in the horizontal direction, which is equivalent to the temperature difference between Xiamen and Qingdao. The varied and varied climate formed by the high terrain difference created good conditions for the migration and reproduction of the plants in both the north and the south. At the same time, the ancient plants in each geologic age were preserved in some degree and continuously differentiated in adapting to the new ecological environment New plant varieties.
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