
来源 :中国中医药信息杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:samfl
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随着我国中医药事业的发展,国内中成药品种繁多,各厂家生产的药品、品牌规格不一,为了满足各级管理、生产、科研、流通、医疗、贸易等部门对医药市场信息的迫切需求,促进国内中医药商品的管理、生产、流通,帮助国内企业开拓海外市场,迫切感到建立中医药市场信息检索咨询系统的必要性。为此,中国中医研究院中医药信息研究所在国家中医药管理局青年基金的资助下于1994年开始筹建“中国中成药商品信息库”。该数据库收录凡在中华人民共和国境内生产的中成药产品及拥有药品许可证的中药厂家。目前已收集了1096多个中药厂家生产的5100余种中成药产品。现已为广大用户提供联机检索和出售微机版软盘。 With the development of China’s traditional Chinese medicine industry, there are a wide variety of Chinese proprietary Chinese medicines, and the manufacturers’ medicines and brand specifications are different. In order to meet the urgent needs of the pharmaceutical market information at all levels of management, production, research, distribution, medical, and trade departments. To promote the management, production, and circulation of domestic Chinese medicines, and to help domestic companies expand their overseas markets, they urgently feel the need to establish a Chinese medicine market information search and consultation system. To this end, the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine funded by the Youth Fund began in 1994 to build “Chinese proprietary Chinese medicine medicine information database.” The database contains all the Chinese medicine products produced in the territory of the People’s Republic of China and the manufacturers of Chinese medicines that possess drug licenses. More than 5,100 kinds of Chinese patent medicine products produced by more than 1,096 Chinese herbal medicine manufacturers have been collected. Has now provided for the majority of users online search and sell microcomputer floppy disk.
1 概述 化学工业是浙江经济的支柱产业之一。经过40多年建设发展。已经具备了较好的经济技术和物质基础,基本形成化学矿采选、石油炼制、基本化学原料、化肥、农药、有机化
随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立,我国的建筑市场也得到了不断发育和完善,作为连接建筑市场的两个重要主体——业主与承包商的建设工程施工合同,对规范建筑市场 With th
<正> 随着社会信息化的发展,越来越多的企业已意识到信息在企业发展中的重要作用,而建起了各种企业内部局域网,甚至还连接了国际互联网(Internet),在网上拥有了自己企业的网