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生命在于运动,企业贵在创新。江泽民总书记说过:“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”一个缺少创新意识的人很难有大的作为,一个没有创新机制的企业很难保持长久的兴旺。江苏盐阜公路运输集团有限公司近几年走过的历程,正是在机制创新、制度创新、科技创新和文化创新等不断取得突破的历程。 该司是在原盐城汽车运输总公司基础上依法改制而成的大型国有独资企业。公司下辖21个经营实体和3个参股、合资经营单位,拥有固定资产2.4亿元,职工6000余名,年创收2亿元,上缴国家利税费4600多万元,经济规模列全国500家最大服务企业公路运输业第35位。目前已形成了以客货运输为主的运输业,以汽车修造为主的交通工业,以地产、房产、物产开 Life is movement, business is innovation. General Secretary Jiang Zemin said: “Innovation is the soul of a nation and an inexhaustible motive force for the prosperity of a country.” It is very hard for a person lacking in innovation awareness to make a big difference. It is difficult for an enterprise without an innovation mechanism to maintain its long-term prosperity. Jiangsu Yanfu Road Transport Group Co., Ltd. in recent years through the course of history, it is in the mechanism of innovation, institutional innovation, technological innovation and cultural innovation continue to make a breakthrough course. The Division is in the original Yancheng Motor Transport Corporation based on the restructuring of large state-owned enterprises. The company has 21 operating entities and 3 joint-stock companies and joint ventures, with fixed assets of 240 million yuan and over 6,000 employees, with an annual revenue of 200 million yuan, more than 46 million yuan of state profits and taxes turned over and 500 economies of scale The largest service enterprise road transport 35th. At present, the transport industry based mainly on passenger and freight transport has been formed, and the transport industry dominated by automobile construction has been opened up with the construction of real estate, real estate and property
他是一名普通的中学生,却有着不同寻常的人生经历;他曾遭遇父母的不理解,却最终得到了他们的支持;他创办“知心协会”,出版《知心小报》,在校园里掀起关注青少年成长的浪潮;因为开设“知心热线”,2005年11月,他应央视邀请与“知心姐姐”卢勤一起走进《成长在线》栏目,与观众分享成长的快乐……他就是本文的主人公李燚,一位来自贵州省黔西县的“知心弟弟”。    从父母的不理解中走出    李燚是贵州省黔西县
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The experiments on astronaut motions are difficult to conduct due to the limitation and high cost of constructing or simulating the microgravity environment of
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是谁造就了备受欢迎的星巴克星偶像?是谁吸引了全球最大的计算机软件公司微软,与之连手推出史上最强的视像游戏及娱乐系统Xbox360产品?到底是谁能令世界著名汽 Who created