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破伤风是一种创伤感染疾病,临床上表现为牙关紧闭、角弓反张、四肢抽搐、苦笑面容等特殊症状,此早已为人们所认识。在祖国医学《内经·灵枢经》内已有类似破伤风症状的记载。它是由破伤风杆菌引起的以随意肌痉挛为特征的疾病。当创伤受泥土及其它物污染,特别是较深的穿刺伤或伤口伴有其它化脓菌感染造成局部缺氧,则易发生破伤风。多见于战伤,而和平时期小的外伤同样有发生破伤风的危险。该病具有很高的病死率,据1951~1961年统计,全世界每年死于破伤风的约160,000人,最近资料近50,000人,远超过鼠疫、霍乱、天花、狂犬病死亡的总和(Быченко1970)。在亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲新生儿破伤风发病率很高,常成为小孩死亡的主要原因之一。如巴西每年约6,000个新生儿死于破伤风(1,000个新生儿中占80个以上),非洲国家(塞内加尔、尼日利亚、摩洛哥等)破伤风病占所有新生儿死亡率的1/4,在印度个别省1,000个破伤风死亡中有223个新生儿(pai 1964),日本在1953年病死率仍有75%,其中40%以上是15岁以下的儿童。匈牙利1950~1954年破伤风病死率41.8%,美国1950~1954年破伤风病死率70%, Tetanus is a traumatic infectious disease, clinically manifested as trismus, angle arch anti-Zhang, limbs convulsions, smile face and other special symptoms, this has long been known. In the motherland medicine “Nei Jing Ling Shu Jing” has been similar to the records of tetanus symptoms. It is a disease characterized by tetanus spongiformis caused by tetanus toxoid. Tetanus is most likely to develop when the trauma is contaminated with soil and other substances, especially deep puncture wounds or wounds associated with other pyogenic bacteria causing local hypoxia. More common in wartime injuries, while peacetime minor traumas also have the risk of tetanus. The disease has a high case fatality rate. According to statistics from 1951 to 1961, there are about 160,000 people who die from tetanus each year in the world. The latest data is nearly 50,000, far exceeding the sum of plague, cholera, smallpox and rabies death (Быченко 1970). In Asia, Africa and Latin America, the high incidence of neonatal tetanus is often one of the major causes of child death. In Brazil, where about 6,000 newborns die of tetanus (more than 80 of 1,000 newborns) each year, tetanus in African countries (Senegal, Nigeria, Morocco, etc.) accounts for one quarter of all neonatal deaths and in India Of the 1,000 tetanus deaths in individual governorates, 223 were newborns (pai 1964), while Japan still had 75% of fatalities in 1953, of which over 40% were children under 15 years of age. The mortality rate of tetanus in Hungary from 1950 to 1954 was 41.8%, the mortality rate of tetanus in the United States from 1950 to 1954 was 70%
北宋初,蜀人黄休复对唐人朱景玄的“神、妙、能、逸”四品说作了一个大的更动,特意将居于四品之末的“逸品”冠于神、妙、能三品之上,并加以描述和总结。 At the beginning
适用机型:长虹R2518N、R2516N、R2918N、C2588D、C2588E、N2516、N2916、N2918、N2918A、N2919等。一、主要引脚与外电路分析 1.功能与特点为了叙述方便,笔者以长虹N2918型
批评是独立的,自成系统的,它应该是主体性很强的本体存在。批评的批评,应该是关于美术批评主体和批评本体的研究和建构。 多年来,对美术批评的“批评”(主要是责难和抱怨)已