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“食饲兼用玉米杂交种选育及杂种优势利用”是农垦司“七五”期间下达的“垦区主要农作物育种及增产配套”项目的子课题,经农垦司科技处和新疆自治区科委审批,于8月下旬召开成果鉴定会。区内外专家教授对石河子、奎屯等垦区进行了现场考察和抽测,在课题主持人进行了答辩后一致认为:一、选育了高赖氨酸玉米单交种新玉5号和中熟玉米石单3号,已开始推广12万亩,并且选育了不同熟期的苗头组合, “Breeding of corn hybrids for food and feed and the utilization of heterosis” is a sub-project of the project of “breeding and yield increase of main crops in reclamation areas” issued by Nongken Division during the “Seventh Five-year Plan”. After being approved by Science and Technology Department of State Farm Reform Bureau and Science and Technology Commission of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, In late August the results of appraisal meeting. The experts and professors inside and outside the district conducted an on-the-spot investigation and spot-check on the reclamation areas of Shihezi and Kuitun. After the moderator conducted a reply, they agreed that: First, the breeding of a single high-lysine corn crosses Xinyu 5 and medium-maturing corn A single No. 3, has begun to promote 120,000 mu, and breeding of different maturing signs of the portfolio,
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