Surviving under the Enemy: Oral Narratives of Middle-Class Women in Japanese-Occupied China(1931-45)

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In a fragmented wartime China (1931-45),the levels of violence,suffering,and resistance varied in different regions.The Anti-Japanese War left people with different experiences and memories.To date,both Chinese-and English-language scholarship have paid insufficient attention to the more than two hundred million common Chinese who stayed in Japanese-occupied areas.To help fill this gap,this study provides a thematic analysis of interviews conducted by the author with six Chinese women of the urban middle-class about their experiences in the Japanese-occupied areas.It adds voices and perspectives of ordinary,middle-class women to the rich tapestry of everyday life of wartime China.The oral narratives of these women are everyday accounts of uncertainty,fear,and survival.More important,they are testimonies to the evolution of their gender consciousness and their determination to pursue an education as a means of resisting gender inequality.In addition,these oral narratives show how these women developed strategies in their marriages,work,and political views to reconcile with the reality of living with the enemy.Their everyday forms of resistance helped them maintain dignity in the face of foreign imperialism.
在北京的航天人当中,有一位以跑步闻名的人物——老崔。  2011年9月在北京国际铁人三项世界锦标赛上,老崔在水陆两项男子45岁~49岁组比赛中,获得了国际大排行第22名、国内排名第1名的优异成绩。成为“中国航天第一铁人”。  老崔,大名崔瑞来,今年50岁,是中国运载火箭技术研究院首都航天机械公司十六车间的调度员。老崔小时候身体羸弱,家境清贫,在哥哥的带动下选择了简单易行的锻炼方式——长跑。上世纪7
摘要:进城务工的农村富余劳动力,因条件限制不得不将未成年子女留在农村,由此形成了庞大的农村留守儿童群体,由于当前农村家长的教育观念和生活习俗观念发生了变化,而这些变化又引起留守儿童家庭教育重心转移等现象,针对这些问题,本文从更新教育观念、提高父母的家庭教育责任感,优化留守儿童家庭教育外部环境等方面提出对策,来试图为留守儿童的家庭教育寻找新的出路。  关键词:留守儿童 家庭教育 价值观  中图分类号
This study analyzes medical practitioners' adaptation to a dynamic cultural and political scene and examines the impact of medical refugees on a local community
2012年,我国经济运行总体平稳,全年国内生产总值 (GDP)519322亿元,比上年增长7.8%;物价水平总体处于低位,全国居民消费价格总水平同比上涨2.5%;就业温和扩大,居民收入持续较快增长,在此宏观经济背景支持下,2012年我国城市商业银行资产负债规模继续增长,经营利润增速放缓,资本充足率小幅下降,资产质量总体保持稳定。  超千亿城商行资产规模较快增长,盈利能力普遍增强  2012年,国内