
来源 :中国供销合作经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenrg210
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2001年12月21日,全国供销合作总社机关党委、研究室、人事部联合主办的“实践三个代表,推进体制创新”座谈会在京举行。这次座谈会高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜,以江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入研究了供销合作社如何应对挑战,与时俱进,实践三个代表,推动体制创新。 全国政协副主席、中华全国供销合作总社理事会主任白立忱到会做了重要讲话。总社党组书记、理事会常务副主任王金山主持座谈会并讲了话。 总社党组成员、理事会副主任王如珍,总社党组成员、纪检组组长于培刀匝,总社监事会主任穆励、副主任林乃基和各部门及有关直属企事业单位的副司局以上干部参加了座谈会。 在这个座谈会上,有九名同志从各自不同的角度,比较深入地论述了如何推动供销合作社体制创新问题。今按他们发言次序,摘要如下: On December 21, 2001, a forum entitled “Practicing Three Represents, Advancing Institutional Innovation” co-sponsored by the party committees, research offices and personnel departments of the National Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives was held in Beijing. Under the guidance of Comrade Jiang Zemin’s important “three represents” thinking, this symposium held an in-depth study on how the supply and marketing cooperatives should meet the challenges, keep pace with the times, practice the three represents and promote institutional innovation. Bai Lizhen, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and head of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, made an important speech here. Wang Jinshan, chief secretary of the general party group and executive vice director of the council, presided over the forum and made a speech. Wang Ruzhen, member of the Head Office of the Communist Party of China and Wang Ruzhen, deputy director of the council, member of the general party group and head of the discipline inspection team Yu Peizhu, director of the supervisory board of the society Mu Li, deputy director Lin Naiji and cadres of the deputy department in charge of enterprises and institutions directly under the central government The forum. At this symposium, nine comrades discussed the issue of how to promote the innovation of the supply and marketing cooperatives system from different perspectives. Now according to their speaking order, the summary is as follows:
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BaSO4是一种广泛应用于医药、橡胶、造纸、涂料等工业。本文研究了采用分散剂和液体喷雾等方法合成超细BaSO4,使其颗粒均匀,粒径小于0.15μm,其产率在90%以上,有实用价值。 BaSO4 is a widely used