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自陆丙甫先生的同步组块理论从形式角度研究人的自然语言理解的过程之后,我们又在《中国语文》(1991—1)上读到了吴葆棠先生的《语流语法分析模式》,此文也涉及了人的自然语言理解的研究。下面我们简要谈谈吴先生的这篇论文给我们在某些研究领域带来的启发。 任何一种语言,如果把它看成是一个体系,那么它一定并且仅仅包括两个内容:材料和规则。简言之,语言是由材料和规则构成的体系。话语不属于语言,属于言语,是人运用“规则”对“材料”进行组合运用的成品。语言研究所有的内容无外乎其材料,其规则(研究对象当然以成品为主,但成品研究的目的是揭示其材料和规则)。吴先生的语流语法作为一种“语法”,并自成体系,当然有自己的“材料”观和“规则”观。在语流语法里,材料表现为“元单位”,即除了一般理解的“词”以外,它还包括“通过长时记忆储存于人脑的元单位”,如“现成的语句”(牛马年,好耕田。满招损,谦受益。等等)。可见,在语流语法里,材料是以人的语言习得单位为单位的,它不包括一般语法书所说的临时性短语(与固定短语相对)。这种临时短语在语流语法里属于“组合单位”。组合单位是以元单位为基本单位组合而成的“不固定或不完全固定”的开放性单位,小自词组,大至句子、句组、段落、章节,甚至 After studying the process of human’s natural language comprehension from the perspective of form by the theory of synchronous block of Mr. Lu Bingfu, we read the “grammar of grammar analysis” of Mr. Wu Baotang in “Chinese Language” (1991-1) Involved in the study of natural language understanding. Below we briefly talk about this essay Mr. Wu inspired us in some areas of research. Any language, if it is regarded as a system, it must and only includes two elements: material and rules. In short, language is a system of materials and rules. Discourse does not belong to the language, is a speech, is the use of “rules” on the “material” combined use of the finished product. The content of the language research is nothing less than its material, its rules (of course, the main object of the finished product, but the finished product research is to reveal its materials and rules). As a kind of “grammar”, Wu’s grammar of grammar of stream of spoken language has its own “material” view and “rule” view. In the grammar of grammar, the material is represented as “meta-units,” which include “meta-units stored in the human brain through long-term memory”, such as “ready-made sentences” , Good farming. Full of damage, Qian benefit.). It can be seen that in grammar of grammar, material is based on human language acquisition units. It does not include the temporary phrases (as opposed to fixed phrases) in general grammar. This temporary phrase belongs to the “unit of combination” in the grammar of the language. Combination unit is based on the yuan as the basic unit combination of “fixed or not fixed” open units, small self-phrase, as large as sentences, sentences, paragraphs, chapters and even
一九八四年在羊城举行的全国中国象棋个人赛,精英荟萃、强手如林,战事精彩纷呈、波澜迭起。笔者弈海拾珠,拙选两则高手佳作,在此试评,以飨象棋爱好者。(一) 赵国荣(红先胜)
一是巴西马拉卡纳体育场,它落成于一九五○年世界杯足球大赛前夕,呈椭圆形,周长九百四十米,高三十二米,可容纳二十五万人左右. 二是联邦德国慕尼黑体育场,由三十三个场馆组
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