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  Many people like to advise us that after all life is nothing buta daydream in which a man experiences sorrows and joys and en-joys a life of wealth, comfort and success, but after he awafinds only a pot of millet is still cooking on the fire for him.
  However their preaching does not convince me at all. I alwaysthink that life ought to have its own significance and absolutely wedo not make a fruitless trip to the mortal world, where a few thingsrecur and continue endlessly. Whenever I embrace my daughter, Iremember how Mother gently held me in her arms when she wasyoung. Each time I wash and cut fruits for my child, I rememberhow Mother did the same thing to rear me day by day, and I thinkone day when I get old as Mother now, my daughter will washfresh, delicious fruits in the running water from the tap the sameway I do to bring up her own daughter bit by bit. So who can sayall this is nothing but a daydream?
  Whenever I smell the scent of green grass or see the ebb andflow of the tide, I call back to mind those pleasant moments I haveever had. No matter how time flies or how scenery changes, thereare certain things that’ll remain unalterable in the nature, and thememory of how I have tried my best to live, not just to exit islocked in my heart. It is always kept there each time I recall it.You tell me how I can otherwise than love such a life?
   Of course my friends may argue no matter how hard I try, Istill live in a daydream because everything is gone gradually.
  However still there are certain things that will be left though Iam not sure what they are. I am convinced that no efforts are madein vain.
  In the endless daydream, there must be some women whocare for and share the same idea with me. When they read mynotes thousands of years later, they will be delighted to find thattide still rises and fails in time as usual in spite of the fact thatanimosity and war are still unavoidable in the world after so manyyears. Therefore they will feel sufferings and bitter hardships aremore bearable and life is still worth trusting and loving.
  Is there anything we regret then?
There is more than a 50 percent chance the UnitedStates could go into recession,former Federal Reservechairman Alan Greenspan told El Pais newspaper in an Ther
目的:建立定量测定人体血浆中氨氯地平浓度的HPLC-MS/MS的方法。方法:以克林霉素为内标,采用Shim-pack VP-ODS柱(150×2.0 mm I.D.,5μm,日本Shimadzu Technologies Inc.公司