Oxidative status and cardiovascular risk in women:Keeping pink at heart

来源 :World Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JC1220
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Although cardiovascular disease(CVD) has always been perceived as a pathology regarding essentially males,incidence and death from cardiovascular events dramatically increase after menopause in women.Obviously,while many aspects of CVD are similar in both sexes,it is now clear that there are significant differences as well.Exploration of these gender-related differences in CVD might provide a basis for the development of new strategies in the management of patients with CVD from a gender point of view.In particular,a growing amount of data suggested the possible major role of oxidative stress in female patients and the possibility to integrate this new biomarker in future study evaluating CVD risk in women. Although cardiovascular disease (CVD) has always been perceived as a pathology now essentially males, incidence and death from cardiovascular events dramatically increase after menopause in women. Obviously, while many aspects of CVD are similar in both sexes, it is now clear that there are significant differences as well.Exploration of these gender-related differences in CVD might provide a basis for the development of new strategies in the management of patients with CVD from a gender point of view.In particular, a growing amount of data suggested the possible major role of oxidative stress in female patients and the possibility to integrate this new biomarker in future study evaluating CVD risk in women.
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