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第三届中国油画展是今年美术界备受瞩目的一件盛事。各地区的油画展览以及评选优秀作品进京的活动正在进行或已经顺利结束。值得注意的是,台湾、澳门和香港都以积极的姿态、以地区的身份投入画展。香港特别行政区政府拨出了专款,于2003年1月6日在香港大会堂举办了香港地区油画展。20位具有代表性的香港油画家每人选送一至四幅作品参展,展览结束后,从每人的作品中选出一幅送到北京参加第三届中国油画展。参展画家包括香港资深油画家王无邪,从英、美留学回港的邓凝安,黎明海、余伟联、谷敏昭,从内地赴港的徐天润、胡抗、陈方远、沈平、陆国源、许恩琦、吴松、赵文章及香港本土画家张曼灵、吕丰雅、王守清等。 The 3rd China Oil Painting Exhibition is a great event for the art world this year. The oil painting exhibitions in various regions and the selection of outstanding works are going on or have been successfully concluded. It is worth noting that Taiwan, Macao and Hong Kong have all taken a positive stance and dedicated themselves to painting exhibitions in a regional manner. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government allocated a special fund to hold a Hong Kong oil painting exhibition on January 6, 2003 at the Hong Kong City Hall. Each of the 20 representative Hong Kong artists selected one to four works for their exhibitions. After the exhibition, one from each of them was selected and sent to Beijing for the Third China Oil Painting Exhibition. The participating artists include Hong Kong veteran oil painter Wang Wuwei, Deng Ningan, Liming Hai, Yu Wei Lian and Gu Minzhao who returned to Hong Kong from the United States and the United States. Xu Tianrun, Hu Kang, Chen Fangyuan, Shen Ping, Lu Guoyuan, Xu Enqi, Wu Song, Zhao Wenzhang and Hong Kong native painter Zhang Manling, Lu Feng Ya, Wang Shouqing and so on.
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