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中国共产党诞生至今已经70年了。记得50年前我们党成立还不到20年的时候,毛泽东同志在《新民主主义论》中就这样谈到我们的文化战线,他说:“在‘五四’以后,中国产生了完全崭新的文化生力军,这就是中国共产党人所领导的共产主义的文化思想,即共产主义的宇宙观和社会革命论。”“由于中国政治生力军即中国无产阶级和中国共产党登上了中国的政治舞台,这个文化生力军就以新的装束和新的武器,联合一切可能的同盟军,摆开了自己的阵势,向着帝国主义文化和封建文化展开了英勇的进攻。这支文化生力军在社会科学领域和文学艺术领域中,不论在哲学方面,在政治学方面,在军事学方面,在历史学方面,在文学方面,在艺术方面(又不论是戏剧,是电影,是音乐,是雕刻,是绘画),都有了极大的发 It has been 70 years since the birth of the Chinese Communist Party. I remember that less than 20 years after our party was established 50 years ago, Comrade Mao Tse-tung talked about our cultural front in his article on “New Democracy.” He said: “After the May Fourth Movement, China had a completely new Which is the communist cultural thought led by the Chinese communists, that is, the communist cosmology and the theory of social revolution. ”" Since the Chinese political forces, the Chinese proletariat and the Chinese Communist Party, have embarked on the political stage of China, this With its new outfits and new weapons, the allied forces of the culture have united themselves with all possible allied forces and have launched their own battle against the imperialist culture and the feudal culture, which launched a heroic attack in the fields of social science and literature and art In the field, both in philosophy, political science, military science, historiography, literature, in art (whether it is drama, film, music, sculpture, painting), both With great hair
自嘲目光双曲折地迁回一个圆不管别人趁样去描写只有自己的眼暗才能澳懂其意义 跳山圆心到处郊夏珑缘 Self-deprecating twists and turns to move back to a circle regard
天空,阴沉沉的;空气,热哄哄的,憋闷得很。 大概又要下雨了。 期末考试结束后的那个午后,我的心里更是阴霾密布,大雨滂沱。这整整一个学期,我尝试着很用功,但一次次失败的考
对“前话现象”进行一次系统的、科学的研讨 ,是酝酿很久且极为有意义的事。作为哲学意义上的“现象” ,是事物本质在各方面的外部表现。所以 ,“前话现象”的发生、发展和形
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