
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kelong18433
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Gastroparesis frequently happens during migraine attacks, postponing the onset of action of orally administered drugs. Furthermore, triptans seem to work better in the earlier phases of the migraine attacks. Therefore, associating a gastrokinetic drug with a triptan may translate into better efficacy and higher consistency of response. Trimebutine is an opioid derivative with exclusive action on receptors of the Meissner and Auerbach plexus throughout the digestive tube. It has no absorption or central penetration. Herein we contrast the combination of rizatriptan plus trimebutine with rizatriptan alone in the acute treatment of migraine. Forty patients with migraine consecutively seen in our clinic were randomized to treat two consecutive moderate or severe attacks with one tablet of 10 mg rizatriptan plus one capsule of 200 mg trimebutine and two attacks with the same triptan and placebo, in counterbalanced order. We collected information on the severity of the attack, as well as presence of nausea and photophobia at the time of drug intake, and after 1, 2 and 4 h. Recurrence and adverse events were also contrasted. Sixty- four attacks were treated with each drug regimen. At 1 h postdose, 30 (46.8% ) of 64 attacks treated with the combination resolved completely, vs. eight (12.5% ) of the rizatriptan- treated attacks, a difference of 34% (P < 0.01). At 2 h postdose, 47 (73.4% ) attacks treated with the combination vs. 20 (31.2% ) of those treated with rizatriptan alone resolved completely, a difference of 42% (95% confidence interval 26, 58, P < 0.001). Regarding nausea and photophobia, the combination was also associated with significantly better response. Recurrence was similar among the two drug regimens, as well as adverse events. The combination rizatriptan and trimebutine is more effective than rizatriptan alone. The combination does not increase adverse events or recurrence of pain. Gastroparesis frequently occurs during migraine attacks, postponing the onset of action of orally administered drugs. Therefore, associating a gastrokinetic drug with a triptan may translate into better efficacy and higher consistency of response. Trimebutine is an opioid derivative with exclusive action on receptors of the Meissner and Auerbach plexus throughout the digestive tube. It has no absorption or central penetration. Herein we contrast the combination of rizatriptan plus trimebutine with rizatriptan alone in the acute treatment of migraine Forty patients with migraine consecutively seen in our clinic were randomized to treat two consecutive moderate or severe attacks with one tablet of 10 mg rizatriptan plus one capsule of 200 mg trimebutine and two attacks with the same triptan and placebo, in counterbalanced order. information on the severity of the attack, as well as pre sence of nausea and photophobia at the time of drug intake, and after 1, 2 and 4 h. Recurrence and adverse events were also contrasted. Sixty-four attacks were treated with each drug regimen. At 1 h postdose, 30 (46.8%) Of 64 attacks treated with the combination resolved completely, vs. eight (12.5%) of the rizatriptan-treated attacks, a difference of 34% (P <0.01). At 2 h postdose, 47 With nausea and photophobia, the combination was also associated with significantly better response. (20% vs. 20 (31.2%) of those treated with rizatriptan alone resolved completely, a difference of 42% (95% confidence interval 26, 58, The combination rizatriptan and trimebutine is more effective than rizatriptan alone. The combination does not increase adverse events or recurrence of pain.
<正> 抗战结束后,在中国共产党的领导下,昆明的大中学生和进步的知识分子发动了反对独裁、反对内战要求民主的“一二·一运动。这次运动标志着国统区反内战民主运动的高潮,配合了中国共产党所领导的争取民主和平的斗争,以血的事实教育了广大群众,在我国青年运动史上写下了光辉的一
炭疽病是一种由炭疽杆菌引起的急性传染病。它是人畜共患疾病,对人是典型的畜源性传染病。 炭疽杆菌的特点: 炭疽杆菌与空气接触即可形成芽胞。炭疽芽胞生存力极强,在泥土、
(一) 五四运动以后,宣传社会主义思潮和革命思想的社团和刊物,犹如雨后春笋在全国各地出现。五四运动的震波不仅波及福建的沿海城市福州、厦门,而且,也在穷乡辟壤的西部内地