
来源 :足球世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckyxiaoxi
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一场足球比赛,充满了种种偶然因素。比如点球、伤病、猝死、假摔、黑哨、误判,当然还有金球。金球又叫突然死亡法,其意可理解为在加时赛打进金球的一方可以突然判决对手在比赛中“死亡”。 金球发生时的突然性,以及金球所造成结果的偶然性,都使得金球被人们又爱又恨。自1996年金球诞生以来,金球的合法性和合理性问题就一直被人们非议着,终于2004年2月28日,国际足联一纸文书下达,宣告了金球的死亡。从诞生到死亡,时间仅过去短短的8年,得益于金球或受伤于金球的球队也没有覆盖到全球范围,所以,有人说金球的死亡不是寿终正寝,而是突然死亡。 而金球制从一产生就注定受到了人们的极大关注,虽然自金球制实施以来,真正在球赛中起到作用的场次并不特别多,但是留给球队以及球迷们的感受实在太深。金球制对球赛双方,无论里是球队还是球迷,也无论是胜者或负者,都有着不小的刺激。胜方欢天喜地,感受着“突然胜利”带来的强烈眩晕;负方则往往被突如其来的打击摧垮,而“突然死亡”的滋味着实也令许多置身事外的球迷也不忍目睹。 A football match, full of all kinds of accidental factors. Such as penalty, injury, sudden death, diving, black whistle, miscarriage of justice, of course, there are golden goals. The Golden Ball, aka the sudden death law, is understood to mean that a party who scored a goal in overtime can suddenly decide that an opponent “dies” in the game. The suddenness of the golden ball and the accidental result of the golden ball all make the golden ball loved and hated again by people. Since the birth of the Golden Globe in 1996, the legitimacy and rationality of the Golden Globe has been criticized by people. Finally, on February 28, 2004, a FIFA paper document was issued, announcing the death of Golden Globe. From birth to death, only a short period of 8 years, thanks to the Golden Globe or the team injured Golden Globe did not reach the world, so some people say that the death of Golden Globe is not the end of life, but the sudden death. The Golden Ball system was doomed from generation to generation of great concern, although since the Golden Ball system since the actual play in the game is not particularly large number of games, but left to the team and the fans feel really Too deep. Golden ball on both sides of the game, whether in the team or the fans, both the winner or the loser, have a great stimulus. The winning party feels the strong dizziness brought about by the “sudden victory”; the negative side is often crushed by unexpected strikes, and the taste of “sudden death” really makes many fans who stay out of the game can not bear to witness.
到全明星周末,NBA赛程进行了一半。在NBA球员利用全明星周末进行休整的时候,我们也不妨对2003~2004赛季上半段进行一下盘点,梳理梳理我们纷乱的思绪。 主帅,频繁下课—— NBA
语境不仅是常规的语言材料、修辞手段选择运用的重要标准 ,而且也是辨别语言的超常偏离正  负优劣的主要依据。适合语境的 ,是正偏离 ,反之 ,便是负偏离。正偏离是一种艺术
羊狠狼贪“与”好勇斗狠“之”狠“ 成语”羊狠狼贪“,出自《史记·项羽本纪》:”(宋义)因下令军中日:’猛如虎,很如羊,贪如狼,强不可使者,皆斩之。“’成语及引例中的”狠“与”很“(