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目的以医学生开放性实验为基础,研究面部蠕形螨感染调查实验方案实施的可行性,调查在校大学生蠕形螨感染情况,分析相关影响因素。方法采用透明胶带挤压粘贴法对164名在校大二学生面部4个部位,包括额部、颊部、鼻部、下颌部分别进行蠕形螨检查,通过镜检及虫体计数鉴别虫种并判定感染程度,同时对受检者的皮肤性质、面部病变、个人卫生及生活习惯等进行问卷调查,并采用统计学方法对相关影响因素进行分析。结果在校大学生蠕形螨总感染率为57.3%,感染程度以轻度感染(84%)为主,男生(59.3%)与女生(55.1%)感染率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);感染虫种以混合螨为主;蠕形螨在鼻部(76.6%)和额部(52.1%)检出率最高;油性、混合性皮肤感染率(62.7%)明显高于中性、干性皮肤(43.5%),两者间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。面部有病变者(65.2%)与无症状者(48.0%)的感染率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。生活及文化用品混用者蠕形螨感染率为62.3%,不常混用生活用品者感染率为42.9%,两者间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论蠕形螨调查实验方案设计合理,教学效果好,受到学生好评,此种实验模式值得进一步开展和借鉴。我校学生面部蠕形螨感染率较高,应加强集体宿舍清洁管理及个人卫生习惯,以降低蠕形螨感染率。 Objective To study the feasibility of investigating the experimental program of facial demodex infection based on the open experiment of medical students and to investigate the prevalence of Demodex infection among college students and to analyze the related factors. Methods Four groups of 164 sophomores were enrolled in the study. The demodex was examined in frontal, buccal, nasal and mandibular parts of the students, and the insect species were identified by microscopic examination and worm count And determine the degree of infection, while the subject’s skin properties, facial lesions, personal hygiene and living habits and other questionnaires, and using statistical methods to analyze the impact of the factors. Results The total infection rate of Demodex in university students was 57.3% with mild infection (84%), while there was no significant difference in infection rate between male (59.3%) and female (55.1%) (P> 0.05) . The dominant species was mixed mite. Demodex mites had the highest detection rate in the nasal part (76.6%) and frontal part (52.1%), while the oily and mixed skin infection rate (62.7%) was significantly higher than that in the neutral part (43.5%), the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). There was significant difference in the infection rate between facial lesions (65.2%) and asymptomatic ones (48.0%) (P <0.05). The rate of demodex infection was 62.3% in the mix of life and stationery products, and 42.9% in those who did not mix the daily necessities. The difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion The experimental program of Demodex mites investigation is reasonable in design, teaching effect is good, praised by students, this experimental mode deserves further development and reference. Our students face a higher rate of Demodex infection of the face, should strengthen the collective dormitory cleaning management and personal hygiene habits, in order to reduce the rate of Demodex infection.