
来源 :物理教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kevinsnower
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程序教学法的程序安排特点是:把学习材料由浅入深、循序渐进地组成一系列小问题,然后按程序呈现给学生,并要求学生对每一问题作出积极反应,如填空或写出必要的答案。每一步问题都附有正确的答案。学生答题后进行对照,辩明正误,然后进入下一步学习。其教学模式可概括为: The procedural arrangement of the procedural teaching method is characterized in that it involves a series of small questions that are gradually and gradually developed into a series of small questions, which are then presented to the students according to the procedure and require the students to respond positively to each question, such as filling in the blanks or writing the necessary answers. . Each step question is accompanied by the correct answer. After the students answer the questions, they will make a comparison, identify the right and wrong, and then move on to the next step. Its teaching mode can be summarized as:
若有必要,原子量应取下列各值。 H 1.0 C 12 N 14 O 16Na 23 Cl 35.5 Ca 40 第1题试回答下列各问(问1~3)(18分) 问1右图中的实线表示 If necessary, the atomic weight shou
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