路漫漫其修远 吾辈正上下求索——《职业教育学——原理与应用》序言

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编者按:自黄帝教民制作舟车,神农教民播种五谷,伏羲教民从事渔猎的神话传说以来,中国职业教育在实践中就天然地担负起了技艺传承的民生重任,职业教育理论研究也在不断积累和创新中如一条波澜不惊的大河般,缓缓而有力地汇入中国教育学科发展的汪洋大海之中。每一份职业教育实践和理论求索的成果,都是一颗颗闪耀的明珠,照亮后继者的一步或一程。《职业教育学——原理与应用》正是一颗新生的、令人瞩目的璀璨明珠。为推动职业教育科学理论研究,促进职业教育理论为实践服务,教育部职业教育重大课题“中国特色职业教育理论研究”于2007年9月开题,课题组组长黄尧同志组织了十几位国内有声望、有影响、有理论造诣的职业教育专家、上百位研究者开展了广泛而深入的研究工作。在课题研究成果基础上编著了《职业教育学——原理与应用》一书。该书条理清晰,气势恢宏,为我们敞开了一扇步入职业教育学科殿堂的大门。其序文近万言,主要从近现代职业教育的发展历程和成就、职业教育理论研究成果和学科建设现状、《职业教育学——原理与应用》一书的研究框架、意义及特色等维度做了详细阐述。值此书初诞之际,本刊特将序言全文刊登,以飨读者。 Editor’s Note: Since the myths and legends of hunting and hunting of Shennong and Protestant people engaged in fishing and hunting of Shennong and Protestants, China’s vocational education has naturally shouldered the heavy responsibility of people’s livelihood in the art inheritance, and the theoretical study of vocational education Constant accumulation and innovation as a placid river, slowly and forcefully into the vast sea of ​​development of China’s educational disciplines. Each occupation education practice and theoretical search results, are a shining pearl, one step or one step to illuminate successors. “Vocational Education - Principles and Applications” is a new, eye-catching shining pearl. In order to promote the research of science theory of vocational education and promote the theory of vocational education as a practical service, the major issue of vocational education of the Ministry of Education, “Theoretical Study of Vocational Education with Chinese Characteristics” was opened in September 2007 and the team leader, Mr. Huang Yao, organized a dozen In China, there are hundreds of researchers in vocational education that have prestigious, influential and theoretical attainments in China and carry out extensive and in-depth research. On the basis of the research results compiled “Vocational Education - Principles and Applications” book. The book is clear, magnificent, opened us a door to the door of vocational education. The preface is nearly ten thousand words, mainly from the development history and achievements of modern vocational education, the research achievements of vocational education theory and the status quo of discipline construction, the research frame, meaning and characteristics of “Vocational Pedagogy - Principles and Applications”. Elaborated On the occasion of the beginning of this book, we publish the full text of the preamble to readers.