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人每天要喝水,花1380元买个神奇水瓶值不值?答案是肯定的。这个水瓶的神奇之处就在于,能够缓解原发性高血压,还对高血脂症、冠心病和脑动脉粥样硬化有疗效。这就是南宁卓康医疗器械公司生产的卓康牌离子水瓶。该产品内在结构的卓越品质,使处理后的水中富含小分子团,用户饮用后大大改善体内生物化学反应,让一些顽疾得到治疗。产品发明人陆江先后在国内几十家报刊发表60多篇科普论文,阐述其治病机理和科学依据,为广大读者和医学专家所关注。他本人曾应邀参加中国医学科学院下属研究所的学术年会,并发表论文,还被邀请作为中国医师协会主办的中国百名医学家峰会的嘉宾,和第五届中国科学家论坛的特邀嘉宾。 People need to drink water every day. It would be worthwhile to spend 1380 yuan to buy a magical water bottle. The answer is yes. The magic of this water bottle is that it can relieve essential hypertension, and it is also effective for hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease and cerebral atherosclerosis. This is the Zhuo Kang brand ion water bottle produced by Zhuo Kang Medical Devices Co., Ltd. of Nanning. The excellent quality of the inner structure of the product makes the treated water rich in small molecules. After drinking, the user greatly improves the biochemical reactions in the body and allows some chronic diseases to be treated. Lu Jiang, the inventor of the product, has published more than 60 popular science articles in dozens of domestic newspapers and magazines, expounding its treatment mechanism and scientific basis, and paying attention to readers and medical experts. He himself was invited to participate in the academic annual meeting of the Institute of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, and published papers. He was also invited as the honorary guest of the China 100 Medical Scientists Summit organized by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and the special guest of the Fifth China Scientist Forum.
The Tea-Horse Trade Route, spanning the Yunnan-Guizhou and Qinghai-Tibet Plateaus, went from the Tibetanhinterland to South Asian countries such as India, Nepal
贫寒家庭,造就坚强女子    周清敏1970年出生于湖北省一个偏远小山村。母亲在家种地,父亲是村小学的教师。由于家庭贫困,1988年初中毕业,成绩优秀的周清敏放弃读高中考大学的机会,考入襄樊市二技校,学习机电专业。  技校毕业,周清敏分配到县印刷厂。那时,厂里已处于涣散状态,一些人还是勾心斗角、互相攻讦。青春和理想岂能在如此环境下被污染被吞噬?周清敏决定辞职。  一天晚上,周清敏到人民广场散步,看
Contributions to the development of biology have come from all over the world. Three groups of biologists, working in the years since the Renaissance, will be
MET(英语标淮化测试)是教育现代化的重要内容之一。在英语教学中,这种熔知、能、智为一炉的新型测试形式正在被越来越广泛地应用。由知识测试向能力测试过渡,是 MET 的特征。
1.[译文]:那两家之间的相互争吵已有多年了。[答案与注释]:选D.with。quarrel with是固定搭配的动词短语,后面跟表示人的宾语,意为“和某人争吵”(=have a quarrel with sb)