依法规范流动人口计划生育 写在《吉林省流动人口计划生育工作若干规定》通过之际

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7月20日,省九届人大常委会第25次会议二审以全票赞成表决通过了《吉林省流动人口计划生育工作若干规定》(以下简称《规定》)。该《规定》共15条,自发布之日起施行。这标志着我省对流动人口计划生育工作的管理走上了法制化、规范化的轨道。谈起制定该《规定》的缘由,省计生委的负责同志说,近年来我省流动人口逐年增多,据抽样调查约为244.2万,占全省总人口的9.1%。流动人口大多数处于生育年龄,计划外生育现象比较严重。据1999年省计生委的调查,流动人口计划外生育占全省计划外生育总数的32.27%,严重影响人口计划的完成,也给我省乃至全国的计划生育管理工作带来消极的影响。同时,由于流动人口流动频繁,居无定所,容易造成常住人口所在地管不了、现居住地管理不到位的情况,使流动人口的计划生育管理工作成为整个计划生育工作的重点和难点。因此,“亟需通过立法,对流动人口计划生育工作实行依法综合管理。” On July 20, the second instance of the 25th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress passed the “Provisions on Family Planning Work of Floating Population in Jilin Province” (the “Regulations”) with all votes in favor. The “provisions” a total of 15, since the date of promulgation. This indicates that the management of floating population in family planning in our province has embarked on a legal and standardized track. Talking about the reason for formulating the “Provisions”, the responsible comrades of the Provincial Family Planning Commission said that the floating population in our province has been increasing year by year. According to a sample survey of about 2.442 million, accounting for 9.1% of the province’s total population. Most of the floating population are at childbearing age, and the unplanned childbirth is more serious. According to the 1999 survey by the Provincial Family Planning Commission, the unplanned birth of migrants accounted for 32.27% of the total unplanned birth in the province, which seriously affected the completion of the population plan and negatively affected the family planning management in Hunan and the whole country. At the same time, due to the frequent inflow of floating population and the lack of fixed assets, the situation of resident population may easily be ruled out and the management of current residence is not in place, which makes the family planning management of floating population become the focus and difficulty of the whole family planning work. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to adopt legislation to comprehensively administer the family planning work of the floating population. "
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