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随着改革开放的深入和社会主义市场经济的发展,我国社会经济结构发生了复杂而深刻的变化,社会经济成分、组织形式、就业方式、利益关系和分配方式日益多样化,员工群众的思想也变得活跃并呈现出独立性、选择性、多变性和差异性等特点,过去单一的思想观念已经走向多向、开放,以往 With the deepening of the reform and opening up and the development of the socialist market economy, the social and economic structure of our country has undergone complicated and profound changes. The social and economic components, the forms of organization, the forms of employment, the relations of interests and the distribution methods are increasingly diversified. The thinking of the masses of employees Became active and showed the characteristics of independence, selectivity, variability and diversity. In the past, the single concept of thought has moved toward multi-direction and openness. In the past,
企业传媒发展面临的挑战 1.快速发展的外界传媒使企业传媒受众对企业传媒产生“高期望值”。当今世界,信息飞速发展。作为承载信息的各类传媒,也获得了快速发展。一些大的传
A teacher was giving her pu- pils a lesson on logic(逻辑).“Here is the situation(情景),”she said,“a man is stand- ing up in a boat in the middle of a river,fi
据《中华口腔医学杂志》1997年7月32卷第4期报道 北京医科大学口腔医学院高岩为研究金属硫因蛋白在涎腺肿瘤中的表达特点,用免疫组织化学方法对75例涎腺肿瘤进行了研 Accor
面对风险投资商开出的既像“馅饼”又像“陷阱”的融资方案,他感到愤慨,却又不得不佩服对手的专业眼光 In the face of venture capital investors like “pie” and like
我国安徽省宿州地区,虽是有名的古战场,却有一些古树幸存,尤以“树驮桥”景观最为奇特。这棵大树长在一座三孔石桥的 Although there is a famous ancient battlefield in t
识才之道对话 问:您最欣赏哪句识才箴言? 答:列宁说过:“任何时候都不能讲没有人才,关键是看你想不想去发现人才。” 问:您最崇拜哪位著名企业家? 答:已故的美国钢铁之父卡内
Albania(阿尔巴尼亚)The country ofm ountain eagle(山鹰之国)Brazil(巴西)The country ofcoffee(咖啡之国)Cam eroon(喀麦隆)The country oflobsters(龙虾之国)Colum bia(