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开展保持党员先进性的教育活动,是党的十六大做出的重大决策,是新世纪加强党的建设的基础工程。保持党的先进性自中国共产党建党以来一直都十分重视的问题,因为党能否保持先进性,关系到党能否存在和发展,关系到党的事业的成败,在执政条件下党的先进性,更关系到党的执政地位的巩固问题。党的先进性来自党员的先进性。在全面建设小康社会的历史条件下,保持党的先进性,关键是要始终保持共产党员的先进性。因此,开展保持共产党员先进性教育活动,是企业党组织当前和今后一个时期加强党的建设一个必须思考的课题,也是党赋予的一项重要任务。 Carrying out education activities that maintain the advanced nature of party members is a major policy decision made by the party’s 16th National Congress and the basic project for strengthening party building in the new century. Maintaining the advanced nature of the party has always attached great importance to the CPC since its founding. Whether the party can maintain its advanced nature has a bearing on the existence and development of the party, on the success or failure of the party’s cause, on the advanced nature of the party under the conditions of its administration , But also the consolidation of the party’s ruling status. The advanced nature of the party comes from the advanced nature of party members. Under the historic conditions of building an overall well-to-do society, the key to maintaining the advanced nature of the party is to always maintain the advanced nature of party members. Therefore, carrying out educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members is a subject that must be considered for strengthening party building at present and for some time in the future by enterprise party organizations, and is also an important task given by the party.
以实践“三个代表”重要思想为主要内容的保持共产党员先进性教育活动,是进一步加强党的执政能力建设,全面推进党的建设新的重要举措。 Maintaining the education of the a
指出电视工作者个人形象的重要性,就如何展示出最佳个人形象通过强调几个方面的内容做出探讨。 Point out the importance of the personal image of TV workers and discus
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