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为适应教育教学的发展,提高学生学习地理知识的能力。我倡导自主学习、探究性学习、合作学习。这样能充分调动学生学习的积极性。大力发挥学生的内在学习动力,着重培养学生学习的能力。我结合自己的教学经验,谈谈自己对地理教学新方法的一些看法。与同行交流,我在地理教学中是这样做的。一、自主学习方式自主学习地理是指学生在教师的指导下,不断激发自己学习地理的激情,发挥主观能动性和创造性的一种 In order to adapt to the development of education and teaching, improve the ability of students to learn geography knowledge. I advocate autonomous learning, inquiry learning, cooperative learning. This can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students learning. Give full play to students ’intrinsic motivation to learn, focusing on developing students’ ability to learn. In my own teaching experience, I talk about some of my new ideas about geography teaching. Communicate with peers, I do this in geography teaching. First, autonomous learning autonomous learning Geography refers to the students under the guidance of the teacher, continue to stimulate their own passion to learn geography, to play a subjective initiative and creativity
在美国好莱坞1947年拍摄的音乐影片《卡耐基音乐厅》(Carnegie Hall,又译《乐府春秋》)中,有位热情的抒情性次女高音演唱的“城墙外有家小酒店”(比才《卡门》),她那完美的声