
来源 :科学技术哲学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zdbzdb
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西方心灵哲学中的一个值得注意和思考的新现象是,二元论在经历了长时期的消沉之后现在又死灰复燃了。著名哲学家罗蒂恰到好处地把这些新生的二元论称做“新二元论”。它们不仅样式繁多,冠以明确标识的就有几十种之多,而且依据哲学和有关科学的新成果对广泛的心灵哲学问题和传统二元论的难题作出了新的解答,对二元论的结论提出了大量发人深思的论证。这些不仅有对传统二元论的超越,而且在与唯物主义论战和争夺话语权的过程中也为唯物主义乃至整个心灵哲学的发展作出了一定的贡献,值得思考和研究。 A noteworthy and thought-provoking new phenomenon in Western spiritual philosophy is that dualism is now resurrected after a long period of depression. The well-known philosopher Rorty aptly called these newborn dualisms “new dualism.” They not only have a great variety of styles, dozens of them are clearly labeled, but also give new answers to a wide range of spiritual philosophy and traditional dualism problems based on the new achievements of philosophy and related sciences. They put forward the conclusion of dualism A lot of thought-provoking arguments. These not only transcend the traditional dualism, but also make some contribution to the development of materialism and even the whole soul philosophy in the process of arguing with the materialism and fighting for the right to speak. It is worth considering and studying.
我的成长路上,本是充满了桂花香,可我无视这美好,南征北战,不断在心里给自己寻找着敌人,最后却发现那个最大的敌人是我自己。 On the way to my growth, this is full of sw
本文结合作者实践,简要介绍多层住宅砼小型空心砌块墙体裂缝在设计、施工中的预控制。 This article combined with the author's practice, briefly introduces the multi-
1.以每辆车的一半长度为1个单位,并参照原题中的图形,移动过程如下:3号车往左移1,4号车往上移1,5号车往右移 1. With half the length of each car as a unit, and with ref
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