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从我省超前繁殖的现状,可以看出以下几个趋势:①超前的时期提早。目前,超繁的材料不仅是参加区生试的品系,一些处于产量鉴定甚至是选育后期的高世代材料便开始较大数量的繁殖;②超繁的数量加大。有的品系(品种)在区试阶段便繁殖数千公斤,有的则达数万公斤;③繁殖的材料增多,由于超繁的时期提早,对所繁材料的特征特性把握不准,只好采取“拉大网”的方式,“广繁博选”。 1“超前繁殖”发生的原因及其利弊超前繁殖能够在短期内迅速发展,有其发生、发展的内在动力和外在刺激因素,主要表现在以下三个方面: 1.1育种者为了扩大品系推广面积和获取经济利 From the current situation in our province ahead of breeding, we can see the following trends: ① advanced earlier period. At present, the superfluous materials are not only the strains that participate in the district test, but some high-generation materials that are in the stage of yield identification or even the late breeding stage begin to reproduce in larger quantities. Some strains (varieties) multiply thousands of kilograms in the trial stage, while others reach tens of thousands of kilograms; ③ breeding materials increased, due to the ultra-complex period earlier, the characteristics of the characteristics of the material is not allowed to grasp, had to take “Big net ” approach, “broad Fan Bo election ”. 1 “advance breeding ” causes and their advantages and disadvantages of advanced breeding can rapidly develop in the short term, with its occurrence and development of internal motivation and external stimuli, mainly in the following three aspects: 1.1 breeders in order to expand the line To promote the area and access to economic benefits
【摘要】随着新课程改革的深入,以及信息技术在教育教学中的普及,如何变革传统教学模式,改善课堂教学效率低下的问题已经成为教学研究中的主要问题。英语是初中阶段提高学生综合素质的重要学科,而翻转课堂则是信息技术应用在教学实践中的主要体现。本文从翻转课堂在初中英语中的应用意义出发,结合英语教学实例,探究翻转课堂的应用策略。  【关键词】翻转课堂 初中英语 意义 应用策略  引言  翻转课堂简单来讲就是利用