
来源 :新课程(教研版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:down222
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新课程对利用多媒体教学要求较高,为了使老师们的教学水平不断进步,我校新建多媒体教室,还开办了课件制作学习班,致力于“创设多媒体教学情景”以提高课堂教学效果。在教学活动中让我感到最难备的课是复习课,相对于新课来说,其内容含量大,知识难度、深度的掌握,要求比较高。柏拉图说过“强迫学习的东西是不会保存在心里的”。然而复习课就是让学生把知 The new curriculum has high requirements for the use of multi-media teaching. In order to keep the teachers’ teaching level progressive, the school has built a multimedia classroom and also has a courseware production class. It is committed to creating a multimedia teaching scene to improve classroom teaching. The most difficult lesson I experienced in teaching activities was a review class. Compared with the new class, the content of the class was high, and the difficulty and depth of knowledge required to master it was relatively high. Plato said that “forced learning is something that will not be kept in your heart.” However, the review class is for students to know
【摘要】如何提高高中语文教学效率一直是高中及高中语文教师所重视的问题,教师和相关学者应该对高中语文教学问题不断探究。本文从关注提升的角度出发,结合新形势下对高中语文教学的要求,分析了高中语文教学中应该对学生哪些方面更加关怀。  【关键词】高中语文 教学 关注  教育领域的专家和学者从理论基础角度对高中语文教学作出了很多指导,同时高中语文教师也进行了很多大胆的创新和探索,高中语文教学情况已经有所改善
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