
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:k364709757
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Competitive use of transboundary freshwater resources is becoming one of the key factors influencing regional peace and political relationship among states.In China, 18 major international river basins are concentrated in three regions, of which the total annual outflow at the border is 7320×108 m3, occupying 26.8% of the total annual runoff of China, and the inflow at the border is only 172×108 m3.In this paper, we analyzed the major drivers affecting shared water vulnerability in China, namely:(1) changes in physical conditions affecting the availability of water;(2) competing objectives between economic development and ecological conservation;(3) lack of emergency response mechanisms;(4) unsound administrative institutions;and(5) shortcomings in the development of regional cooperation based on transboundary waters.We concluded by identifying four pathways for reducing vulnerability:(1) encouraging scientific research cooperation;(2) constructing information-sharing channels;(3) establishing early-warning mechanisms;and(4) promoting further coordination and negotia-tion. Competitive use of transboundary freshwater resources is one of the key factors influencing regional peace and political relationship among states.In China, 18 major international river basins are concentrated in three regions, of which the total annual outflow at the border is 7320 × 108 m3 , occupying 26.8% of the total annual runoff of China, and the inflow at the border is only 172 × 108 m3.In this paper, we analyzed the major drivers affect shared water vulnerability in China, namely: (1) changes in physical conditions affecting the availability of water; (2) competing objectives between economic development and ecological conservation; (3) lack of emergency response mechanisms; (4) unsound administrative institutions; and (5) shortcomings in the development of regional cooperation based on transboundary waters. We concluded by identifying four pathways for reducing vulnerability: (1) implemented scientific research cooperation; (2) constructing information-sharing channels; (3) es tablishing early-warning mechanisms; and (4) promoting further coordination and negotia- tion.
长江流域素以风光秀丽而著称,旅游资源丰富,大致可以分为四类: 一、自然风光。长江流域内自然风光婀娜多姿,美不胜收,雄浑壮阔,举世罕见。上有雄伟的三峡天险,下有精巧的苏
1 病例报告患者男,37岁,于1996年3月13日常规作结核菌素(PPD)试验(PPD由华怡生物技术有限公司生产)。10min后突感心慌、胸闷、气短、眩晕、大汗。查体:体温36.8℃,脉搏130/m