
来源 :客车技术与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clarkkevin_
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交通部重庆公路科学研究所康吉车辆技术开发公司(主体原客车研究室)集科研、设计、生产和销售于一体,拥有各类科技人员30余人,具有雄厚的科技开发实力。在客车底盘、车身、关键零部件及CAD等技术方面的研究与开发都取得了丰硕的成果:曾先后研究开发了XQ6DH10K、GLT6100、GLT6100H、JT6760、CK6980、JT663(交通部重点项目)、JT1118H(国家“六五”重点科技攻关项目)、JT6120、JT6120F、JT6120A、JT6120B(JT6120系列是国家“七五”重点科技攻关项目)、LK6120、WD6100及YZ6700等新型客车底盘与车身;研究开发了空气弹簧悬挂系统、高档豪华座椅、8t级前、后置后驱动桥及手制动阀等客车关键零部件产品;还研究开发了客车零部件的设计、制图及计算分析等CAD技术和其他一些非标设计技术,共获得国家科技进步三等奖一项,交通部科技进步一等奖二项、二等奖一项,省级各类奖三项。 Chongqing Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Communications Kang Ji vehicle technology development company (the main passenger car research room) set scientific research, design, production and sales in one, with all kinds of scientific and technological personnel more than 30 people, with strong scientific and technological development strength. In the bus chassis, body, key components and CAD technology and other research and development have achieved fruitful results: Has successively studied and developed the XQ6DH10K, GLT6100, GLT6100H, JT6760, CK6980, JT663 (Ministry of Transportation Key Project), JT1118H JT6120, JT6120F, JT6120A and JT6120B (JT6120 series are key scientific and technological projects of the “Seventh Five-year Plan”), LK6120, WD6100 and YZ6700 new passenger car chassis and body; research and development of air springs Suspension system, luxury luxury seats, 8t-class front and rear rear axle and hand brake valves and other key passenger bus products; also research and development of passenger car parts design, CAD and other CAD technology and other computational analysis Standard design technology, won a total of three national science and technology progress prize, the Ministry of Science and Technology Progress Award two, one second prize, the provincial award of three.
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