金秋时节盛事多;喜庆盈门万象新。在举国欢庆伟大的人民共和国50华诞的时刻,《兵器知识》也迎来了她的第21个年头。在此,我谨向《兵器知识》致以节日的问候,向多年来关心与支持《兵器知识》的广大作者、读者致以深深的谢意! 在我们即将告别20世纪、迈进新世纪的历史时刻,我们看到,世界并不太平,国际形势风云际会、错综复杂,霸权主义和强权政治依然存在。李登辉冒天下之大不韪,公然抛出分裂中华民族的错误主张。李
Autumn Festival event; happy surplus door Vientiane new. At the time when the entire nation celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Great Peoples Republic, “Weaponry Knowledge” also welcomed her 21st year. Here, I would like to extend my regards to the “weapon knowledge” to all the writers and readers who have been concerned for and supported “weapon knowledge” over the years. At the historic moment when we are about to bid farewell to the 20th century and to the new century , We can see that the world is not too peaceful. The international situation is so complicated and complex that hegemonism and power politics still exist. Lee Teng-hui took the great cause of the world and publicly blasted the erroneous idea of splitting the Chinese nation. Lee