调整思路 加强策划 做强党报声誉和影响力

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党报的优势是政治优势,党报的广告经营要利用自己的政治优势。怎么把党报的政治优势转化为经济优势,这是每个办党报的同事都要考虑的问题。舆论一直在唱衰报纸,唱衰党报,但我不这么认为,从《河南日报》的经营情况看还是不错的。在我看来,党报有它的特殊性,在2009年,新任的河南省委书记到我们报社调研,当时发行量是28万份,书记说要发行到50万,我们将这一数字分解到各个市,发行达到了53万,并且报纸还提了价。党报的优势是政治优势,党报的广告经营要利用自己的政治优势。怎么把党报的政治优势转化为经济优势,这是每个办党报的同事都要考虑的问题。《河南日报》这些年围绕党报政治优势开展经营。建国60周年庆典,我们组织的经营活动带来3千万元收入。至于商业广告,我们力争把广告公司打造成品牌创意。比如近年来《河南日报》打造的河南酒业的六朵 The advantage of the party newspaper is its political superiority. The advertising business of the party newspaper must make use of its own political advantages. How to transform the political advantages of party newspapers into economic advantages is a question to be considered by every colleague who runs a newspaper. Public opinion has been singing bad news, bad news party, but I do not think so, from the “Henan Daily” business situation is still good. In my opinion, the party newspaper has its peculiarity. In 2009, the newly appointed secretary of the Henan provincial party committee went to our newspaper for research. At that time, the circulation was 280,000 copies. The secretary said that it would be issued to 500,000 copies. We decomposed this figure into Each city, the issue reached 530,000, and the newspaper also raised the price. The advantage of the party newspaper is its political superiority. The advertising business of the party newspaper must make use of its own political advantages. How to transform the political advantages of party newspapers into economic advantages is a question to be considered by every colleague who runs a newspaper. The “Henan Daily” has run its business around the political advantages of the party newspaper and newspaper in recent years. The 60th anniversary of the founding of our nation, our business activities bring 30 million yuan income. As for commercials, we strive to make advertising companies into brand ideas. For example, in recent years, “Henan Daily” to build six liquor in Henan