Beauty and Evil in The Picture of Dorian Gray

来源 :青年作家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaosheng07
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Dorian Gray was an innocent adolescent originally.In his life,there were two persons who affected him deeply:one was the artist Basil Hallward and the other was their friend Lord Henry Wotton.Hallward lived for art and was a pure pursuer for aestheticism.The beauty of Dorian Gray who was young,handsome and innocent stimulated Basil’s inspiration of creating a works of art which was regarded as the most marvelous one—The Picture of Dorian Gray.But cynical Lord Henry Wotton who was a hedonistic,acted as a controller of Dorian Gray’s mind.He seduced Dorian into enjoying life radically,and going on the spree before agedness,accepting temptation,doing whatever that was wanted.So the innocent personality of Dorian became evil,and his pure soul became dirty.Finally,in order to destroy the evidence of his evil,Dorian stabbed his portrait with a knife.But he killed himself actually. Dorian Gray was an innocent adolescent. In his life, there were two persons who affected him deeply: one was the artist Basil Hallward and the other was their friend Lord Henry Wotton. Hallward lived for art and was a pure pursuit for aestheticism.The. beauty of Dorian Gray who was young, handsome and innocent stimulated Basil’s inspiration of creating a works of art which was as as the most marvelous one-The Picture of Dorian Gray. But cynical Lord Henry Wotton who was a hedonistic, acted as a controller of Dorian Gray’s mind .He seduced Dorian into enjoying life radically, and going on the spree before agedness, accepting temptation, doing whatever that was wanted.So the innocent personality of Dorian became evil, and his pure soul became dirty .Finally, in order to destroy the evidence of his evil, Dorian stabbed his portrait with a knife. But he killed himself actually.
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