The Development and Contribution of the Case-law of the Inter-American of Court of Human Rights

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It is with particular satisfaction that I accede to the invitation to write this Preface to Dr. Gu Shengkai’s book “International Human Rights Law: Inter-American Theory and Practice”. I first met Dr. Gu Shengkai at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, on 09 December 2002, when I there delivered a public lecture, at the Human Rights Law Centre of its School of Law, on “Recent Developments in the Case-Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights”. Ever since his successful completion at that University, Dr. Gu Shengkai pursued patiently his line of research on the subject-matter of his present book. The outcome of his research, his present book, gives testimony of all his endeavours in examining the subject in a proper perspective. It is with certainty that I accede to the invitation to write this Preface to Dr. Gu Shengkai’s book “International Human Rights Law: Inter-American Theory and Practice ”. I first met Dr. Gu Shengkai at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, on 09 December 2002, when I there delivered a public lecture, at the Human Rights Law Center of its School of Law, on “Recent Developments in the Case-Law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.” Ever since his successful completion at that University, Dr. Gu Shengkai pursued patient of his line of research on the subject-matter of his present book. The outcome of his research, his present book, gives testimony of all his endeavors in examining the subject in a proper perspective.
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